35 Chapter 35 (1/2)

Wear LeoFraust 72970K 2022-07-22

As The Rejects explain the club to Tina, Rose showed up at the principal's office. ”I've got some rather... surprising news” Rose says.

”What is it?” Ryan asks, sitting up in his chair.

”Well, that laibah student” Rose says, ”the one I requested a dorm for during last semester... seems to be pulling something odd. His name is Darren Forray. Well, he's one of the members of The Rejects club, and it came off as a surprise to my homeroom class. He's popular for being a class clown, and surprisingly has made plenty of friends through that method. Friends, who've asked him to join their clubs instead. When they discovered that he joined The Rejects instead, the class was rather... surprised. I'm not sure what all was discussed before I entered the classroom, but rumors of this student openly supporting laibah are spreading quickly”.

”And now he's in danger, correct?” Ryan asks with a sigh.

”No... actually” Rose says. ”Students don't seem to know exactly what to make of it. Now, because of him, The Rejects club is becoming widely talked about. Students are slowly coming forward about it suddenly being cool to support the laibah community. Do you know what this means?”.

”That you've been pulling strings behind my back?” Ryan asks.

”We've already been over this, gramps” Rose says. ”Besides, what's important is that it's now becoming easier to find supporters for the bill. We can save the school, Ryan!”.

”And you're suggesting that we directly ask students to support this bill now?” Ryan asks.

”I'm not suggesting” Rose says, ”I'm telling you that I'm doing it! It's going to happen, but I'm not going behind your back on this one. Please, let me help you for once!”.

”You've been helping me for the past ten years of working here by my side” Ryan says.

”Then you know you can trust me to handle this!” Rose says.

Ryan thinks for a few seconds, then asks ”What drives you to help the laibah out in this school, Rose?”.

”Are you kidding?” Rose asks. ”It's my job... what else? I'm supposed to help the students, not pick and choose favorites”.

”You've always has issues talking to people” Ryan says, ”and when I saw that change... when you first became a teacher, I was so proud. I was more proud when you worked with me directly to resolve incidents revolving around laibah students. Everyone has a story about their views... so what's yours?”.

”I don't get along with a lot of people, gramps” Rose says. ”You know that. However, I've never been like most people, likely because of my inability to socialize well. So when I met students who were honest about being a laibah, I felt no difference between them and humans. That's all there is to it... and you?”.

”Well...” Ryan says, ”you're going to try to help solve this issue regardless of what I say, so I may as well let you know why this is important to me. Have I ever mentioned my brother, Franklin Schafold, to you?”.

”I've heard about his name” Rose says. ”But I believe that's all you've ever told me, was his name”.

”Well, it's kind of a long story” Ryan says. ”So take a seat”.

Nearly 40 years ago, when Ryan was only about 20 years old, he lived with his brother in Terrio. His brother, Franklin, had different views about the world than Ryan did. Franklin believed so much that human and laibah were created equal. That the two should put aside their history of violence and bloodshed, and embrace a new world that the two could forge together. He believed laibah were as ever magnificent creatures as humans, and that it was wrong to try to keep laibah out of humanity's every day lives. Ryan, on the other hand, did not share these views. Ryan hated laibah, and thought his brother's ideals were ridiculous. One day, the two of them were in a heated argument about the difference of their opinion. Suddenly, their arguing was interrupted by the sounds of knocking on their front door. Ryan went to go check to see who the visitor was. ”Frank!” Ryan calls out, ”it's your girlfriend!”.

”Can I come inside?” The woman asks. ”It's too hot outside. This summer weather is killing me”.

The girl entered the house, after Ryan opened the door a little wider. Her name was Remi Bertlett. She had long blonde hair and bright brown eyes. Her eyes would shine like gold when exposed to the sunlight, and she always wore a smile on her face. She was the type of person who could make any room light up with her sweet and loving personality. ”Oh! Remi!” Franklin calls out as he runs up to hug her.

Remi laughs and says ”I missed you!”, then briefly kisses Franklin on the cheek.

”Anything new going on?” Franklin asks. ”How've you been?”.

”Actually...” Remi says, glancing over to her side, ”not so well. I ran into my sister, and well... you know how I am around my family. She makes me so nervous, and I haven't spoken to mom in months... b-but my sister said she's getting married. So I guess it's not all bad”.

”Married!?” Franklin asks.

”I didn't even know your sister had a boyfriend” Ryan says.

”She... doesn't” Remi says. ”It's an arranged marriage. Dad set it up, or so she says”.

”I've never met your sister” Franklin says. ”S-should we... go introduce ourselves to her while she's in town?”.

”That's right” Ryan says. ”Your family lives outside of the city. Isn't there a bunch of laibah out there?”.

”Ugh- don't remind me!” Remi says.

”See?” Ryan asks as he looks at Franklin. ”Even your girlfriend is bothered by the laibah”.

”Oh, shut up...” Franklin says.

A couple days pass, and Remi stayed with Ryan and Franklin. One night, as the three of them were getting ready to go to sleep, a forceful knock was heard at the door. Once again, Ryan was the one to answer the door. Standing at the door, was a woman who had long blonde hair, just like Remi's. She also had green eyes, and looked perpetually angry, like the opposite of Remi. ”I know my sister is here” she says.

”Sister?” Ryan asks.

”Remi Bertlett...” She says in an annoyed tone.

”Tera!?” Remi asks as she approaches the door.

”Is this your sister?” Franklin asks.

”I don't know who you people are” Tera says, ”but I'd suggest staying out of my way”.

”How rude do you have to be” Ryan asks, ”to come to MY house, demand me to listen to YOUR demands, and command ME on what to do?”.

Tera points at Ryan and says ”You... I don't like you”. She then points at Franklin and says ”I especially don't like you”, and then points at Remi and says ”and you! Mom said she wants you back, now! Come on, you're coming home with me”.

”No!” Remi says. ”I'm not going home so mom can... can... force to me marry some guy that I don't even know! Tera, how could you just go with whatever mom says without questioning it?”.

”It's not my place to question it” Tera says. ”As well as, I wasn't asking you to come home. I'm telling you to come home”.

”Make me!” Remi shouts.

”It's that woman!” A man shouts as a group of three men approached Ryan's door. ”That's her! She's the one who knocked out Tyler, cold!”.

”Oh my g- what did you do!?” Remi asks.

”What?” Tera asks without showing any remorse or worry. ”Some of these city people annoyed me on the streets... they needed a lesson in manners. Just like you, Remi”.

”Get her!” The man shouts as the three of them run up to Ryan's porch.

”Tera!” Remi shouts. ”Tera, get inside now!”.

”Don't you tell me what to-” Tera says.

”Just get in here!” Ryan says as he pulls her inside and locks the door.

”Excuse me” Tera says, ”but I didn't say you could touch me”.

”Hey, you're welcome!” Ryan says.

”This is ridiculous” Tera says as she unlocks the door.

”What are you-” Ryan asks.

”I'm leaving” Tera says. ”I'll be back in about a week. You have until then, Remi, to prepare yourself to leave”.

”Wait!” Franklin shouts.

The three men start banging on the door as Tera prepares to open the door. ”I'm not going back” Remi says. ”You can tell mom and dad I said that!”.

”Suit yourself” Tera says. ”But know this... we will bring you home one way or another”.