158 Interview with the characters-2 (1/2)

Interviewer: Lord Nicholas moving on to you with the questions. What was your first thought when you first met Heidi and when did you fall in love with her?

Nicholas: Hmm...the night we met at the dark alley. I was definitely intrigued by her. One moment she was huffing and another moment she was worried. I loved teasing her.

Stanley: Master bullied her *the butler corrects him*

Nicholas: The more she resisted, the more I enjoyed teasing her. It was when I took her to see the lake of bones I realized my attachment to her. She a beautiful woman.

Interviewers: I believe it is the time during the grand ball you created a soul bond with Heidi. And also where did you place her body? Was it next to your mother?

Nicholas: No, it was in the corner of the garden. I wanted to keep her close even after death.

Timothy: There's nothing there now *interviewer raises her thick untamed eyebrows and pushes her glasses* we digged the ground and pulled out the coffin to only find dust in there. It seems like after Heidi was born again, the body turned to dust.

Interviewer: Getting back to the question-

Nicholas: I was tired with Warren hanging around her like a lost puppy and I needed affirmation that she was solely mine. I do get jealous *stares at his fingernails* Next.

Interviewer: Nineteen years is long. It must have been really difficult for you without Heidi next to you.

Nicholas: Indeed it was. It feels like you're suddenly crippled, the ground has been pulled under your feet where you have no support below. A lot of things in the mansion were destroyed or broken. A few deaths too.

Interviewer: Deaths?

Nicholas: I took up the job to torture the law breakers who were sent from the council. It was a very good coping mechanism. Tearing one limb after another is good *he smiles unwaveringly sending a shiver down the interviewer's spine*

Interviewer: How did you feel seeing Heidi back in the slave establishment? We were quite surprised that you didn't shut it down after what happened.

Nicholas: *he laughs* I wanted to kill every single damn walking soul there but I am not stupid to invite trouble when I have to rescue my girl. And just because she ended up there the second time doesn't mean it's going to happen the third time. Everyone is well aware with the fact of her being my lawfully wedded wife. The slave establishment will come in handy, just like it helped in putting Nora there.

Interviewer: Is she still there? She must have grown really old. What about Mr. Simeon Curtis?

Heidi: She passed away a few years after I died. Ah he...he's grown old now. He stays alone in the house.

Nicholas: Just the life he's supposed to have.

Interviewer: Now that we or on family. Do you plan to have kids anytime soon? *Both Heidi and Nicholas answer yes* how many are you planning?

Heidi: We would like two boys and a one girl *before interviewer can ask a question she speaks* we haven't picked names yet *smiling along with Nicholas*

Interviewer: There are readers who would like to go on a date with you.

Nicholas: I am not even surprised .If there are willing humans who are ready to provide their blood then sure. Heidi will be needing the blood once I have turned her.

Interviewer: That's very thoughtful of you. By the way I don't see any soul bond on you, I mean the markings. Is it hidden?

Nicholas: Being the one who placed the soul bond, I don't have it.

Rhys: Men usually don't have the markings unlike women.

Nicholas: The pure blooded vampires like their women to adorn in. Except for that one *he jerks his head towards where Alexander sits*

Interviewer: Let's move our questions to Heidi our main lead of H&L. Some of us feel Lord Nicholas' nature is rubbing off on you.

Heidi: Is that so *she smiles* I think he might have.

Interviewer: How does it feel to be dead?

Malphus: I think you're asking the wrong person the question. It feels like a long vacation.

Stanley: *nodding his head* Malphus did stay dead for a long time while Heidi probably a day or two.

Interviewer: What's your favourite color?

Heidi: Blue

Interviewer: What is the one thing you love and hate about Nicholas?

Heidi: *thinks hard* I would say his intrusive nature. He can really pester you if he wants to know what's going on in your mind.

Katie: He doesn't seem to look that type.

Alexander: He's a fox, Katie.

Nicholas: Says the spider.