157 Interview with the characters-1 (1/2)
Interviewer: *taps on the mic to test if it's working* It works!
Stanley: How long do you think this is going to take *asks author-san who is sitting next to him* I have work at the mansion.
Author-san: Probably half an hour? Just a few questions and you should be able to go *looks at the butler with starry eyes*
Interviewer: Hello everyone and welcome to our interview with the characters of the lord series. We- *Elliot enters the room*
Elliot: Sorry I am late *grins widely and takes a seat next to Katherine* I got stuck in traffic.
Author-san: There was no traffic in the eighteenth century!
Elliot: Of course, there is traffic. Have you seen the market-
Interviewer: *clears throat loudly to gain everyone's attention in room* Ahem, if everyone could settle down. We are on a limited time before our schedule ends.
*murmurs of agreement goes around the room*
Interviewer: So first thing first, let us give an applause to all the characters who are here sitting with us today *meow* *a black cat enters the room to go and sit next to Alexander's leg* As I was saying, we have the lords from Valeria, Mythweald and Bonelake. There are also our beautiful ladies here Katherine, Heidi and Lettuce. Oh my bad! Lettice *smiles sheepishly*
Elliot: Author-san, how could you name her like that *snickers until Katherine gives him a look of disapproval*
Nicholas: I feel bad for her *nods head* You should have changed her name.
Author-san: It's a unique name. Let-isss *pronounces the name* It's different.
Interviewer: *gets carried away* So that is how you say it! I have been calling her Let-ice all this while. What about Rhys? I hope I have been calling him right. At first I thought it was 'rice' but then I realized it was pronounced as 'reese'. Getting back on the show. We have Lettice, Rhys, Timothy, our butlers Martin and Stanley, Elliot. Wait, where's Sylvia?
Camera man: She couldn't make it. She's gone to visit her hometown.
Author-san: *coughs*
Interviewer: Yes, we have our author here along with us *smiles* So let us ask few questions before we end our book here *shuffles cue cards in hand and then looks at Alexander* Before I ask you questions I would like to let you know, big fan *points hands to herself*
Martin: This is going to take longer than half an hour *mumbles in his seat while thinking about what food to prepare for dinner*
Interviewer: Here's the question to you, lord Alexander. We all know you don't have a smooth relationship with the lord of Bonelake in your book. Why did you help him? What changed?
Nicholas: This should be good *gives a eager smile with eyes sparkling in amusement*
Author-san: *bouncing in her seat, raises hand to answer*
Interviewer: Please sit down miss. Your turn will come later *ignores author-san*
Alexander: What's there to say? He promised to keep Katie safe and he did. I am sure all of us know how much trouble she invites. She is a naive girl who would believe anyone-
Katie: I call it being trustworthy!
Malphus: She's easy to fool.
Katie: You just wait there Malphy. I am going to give you your favourite flowers.
Author-san: That's right my girl. Give him those flowers he's allergic to!
Alexander: My girl *narrows eyes*
Author-san: *a little scared* Hey, you know what I meant! I don't swing that way!
Interviewer: Everyone please settle down, quiet. Alexander please...
Alexander: For us vampires, especially the pure blooded one's, soul bonds are absolute. She is the love of my life. Keeping her safe is the top priority. Without Katie I would be lost. Nicholas is an asshole but he has his rare moments which comes very rarely.
Interviewer: I see. There are readers who would like to know how you were able to bring Heidi back. How does that even work? Does that mean you can bring anyone back?
Nicholas: I have a few people in the list whom I would want to bring back. Let's set up a meeting once this interview is done.
Malphus: I would like to take part in it!
Elliot: Count me in!
Stanley: Master, can we bring the boy back? *looks at Nicholas*
Nicholas: I am sure we can, Stanley.
Author-san: Not happening!
Alexander: I am sorry but the author is right. I cannot bring anymore people back from the dead. Tapping into dark magic has its consequences and I wouldn't want any unfortunate events to touch my family *continues to explain* When I realized Heidi's soul was damaged to be put more crudely-corrupted, I used a binding magic on her in a hope that a resurrection would take place.
Interviewer: *asks Katie* Did you know about this? *Katie shakes head*