50 Lonesome soul- Part 3 (2/2)

”You do know that you are walking in the wrong direction.”

Lord Nicholas had been in the mansion getting few paper work done when his bird, Toby had come to deliver a message before Warren had come stumbling into the mansion, saying the carriage Heidi was travelling in had broken down and she was nowhere to be found now. Both he and Warren had set out in search for the girl. Having Toby as his pet, it was easier to spot the girl in the forest who had deviated from the actual path.

”I don't care. Leave me alone,” she muttered, taking quick steps while the lord slowed the horse to match her pace.

”Come on, Heidi. This is no time to play games, night has already come. Don't be a child,” he sighed with a tiresome voice.

”I don't want to go back right now!” she screamed. When the girl turned around he saw angry tears falling down her cheeks.

Realizing something must have happened at his aunt's mansion for her to burst out, he carefully gauged her expression.

”Alright.” He continued to walk with her, him on his white horse and Heidi walking on the ground in absolute silence. Seeing that she had calmed down after few minutes, he called her name for attention.


”Hmm,” was the only response he received and she then turned to her side to look at him.

”Come with me,” he coaxed her and before she could refuse him, he said, ”I will take you to a place which might fascinate you.”

Hearing this she stopped in her tracks, and even in the dark he could see the rim of her eyes had swollen. He was curious to know what had happened that made her cry, not that he would let the matter go without knowing.

”We won't go to the mansion right away. You have my word on it,” he gave his hand for her to take. After a little amount of thought she placed her small hand in his and he grabbed her so that she could sit in front of him, on the horse.

Heidi wasn't sure where he was taking her but when they finally reached a place filled with big black rocks, she turned to look at him. She knew it. He had brought her here to murder her like he had described he would long ago. It was only when he made her follow him around the large rocks did she see something she had never witnessed before. There was fog like water that covered the ground. The smoky fog lightned up the land. Someplaces were dark while some place were lightened up.. The fog somewhere between grey and blue, which diffused and swirled into the black stones near them.

Wanting to have a closer look at it, she took two steps forward to only be stopped by the lord holding her arm, ”Any more closer and you don't know if you'll return back,” he warned her

Wanting to have a closer look at it, she took two steps forward to only be stopped by the lord holding her arm, ”Any more closer and you don't know if you'll return back,” he warned her.

”What is this place?” Heidi asked him curious, seeing a small smoke coming up towards them to only evaporate.

”This, milday is a lake,” he replied casually, ”It is known as the lake of bones.”