50 Lonesome soul- Part 3 (1/2)

When she returned back, she could hear the four woman including her future mother-in-law speaking to each other in not so hushed tone.

”You must be careful with woman like that. Girls of that class will squeeze every drop of money. Did you see the way she was about to argue?” laughed one of them.

”What can I say, it is a bad luck. I never expected to get my only son married to a pathetic human with no background.”

”Why not break it off then?”

”That bastard nephew of mine did put us in a spot. And I would if it weren't for the money and council offered by the council,” Venetia gave them a tired smile, ”I will have to put up with such thing until the time comes.”

”It must be difficult for you. But don't worry, you can always show where her place belongs,” the woman laughed.

”Oh, I already know that.”

The women changed topic, seeing Heidi enter, giving her false smiles which weren't meant. Things got worse when the vampire women began ignoring the poor girl, engrossing with words by themselves while leaving her by herself. It was suffocating to no ends. She now understood how Lettice felt in between these kind of people. Warren hadn't arrived back and Heidi couldn't bear the awkwardness anymore with the snotty women anymore. Finally when she had to leave, Venetia gave her the aristocratic smile and waves like she couldn't wait to see her again. But that that didn't stop the woman's friends from taking a dig into her low background with words.

Venetia was a woman who didn't approve of anyone disobeying her under her roof. Even if she had sent her own personnel carriage so that the girl could reach back the Rune's mansion, that didn't mean she had sent the right carriage. It was an old carriage which would break before she would even reach. That would teach the girl a lesson, thought the vampiress.

The carriage as expected, broke its wheel due to which it had to be stopped to replace another wheel. Heidi stood outside the carriage, her arms folded due to the night air, looking at the coachman try to fix it. The carriage had been stopped in the middle of nowhere and the time being night and dark, it worried her. Thinking that this is what the future was going to be made her realize that her life would never change. She would never be needed by anyone, came the thought in her mind. Never have a place to belong to and this made her question about God's play.

”Oh!” Hearing the coachman exclaim, she leaned forward to see what happened.

”What is it?” she asked.

”Lady Curtis, the wheel isn't getting fixed. The men misplaced the wheel of the other cart,” she couldn't believe that her luck had turned bad, ”I will go get help, please wait here,” the half vampire said bowing to her politely.

”Wait! Sir?” she called seeing him walk towards the road they had come from, ”Kind Sir?” she called again to receive no response except for the hooting from the owls that had perched themselves on the trees. ”Oh God,” she said worried, looking around the tall, dark trees she was surrounded in.

There was not a single soul or carriage, no houses because this was a forest. Not knowing when the coachman would be back she decided to walk instead of wait for the man. Angrily she stomped her way through the path of the forest, not worrying about the danger that lingered behind the shadows. Along her path as she walked, the only ones that accompanied her was the wind that occasionally blew, the crickets that were in the grassy ground and the owls that hooted once in a while.

Hearing the sound of horse's hooves from a far distance, she didn't turn back and instead continued to walk on her own.

”Are you planning to walk all the way to the mansion?”

Heidi didn't answer lord Nicholas' question. She felt emotionally drained and somewhere hurt. Standing alone in the forest had only added fuel to the lonely soul.