38 Book collector- Part 2 (1/2)
That night Heidi went to bed later than usual as Lord Nicholas had introduced her to the library in the mansion which was usually locked. It was a narrow room where the three sides of the wall was covered in a rack of books. The library was dark like the passage they had used before getting in to the library.
The candles that were on the chandelier and the ones near the walls had melted, drops like structure solidified. Stanley, had helped in lighting the candles up. All the books that was in and out looked old. Older than her. She had later thanked the Lord for bringing her here to which he had done nothing but smile. As she had taken her time to look at all the book titles, her eyes had caught sight of a section which was encased in a glass case. Even though they were older than the others and ragged in appearance, it seemed like they were being treasured. The book titles read Feudal of rivals, Origins, Tyrany of humans and vampires, gardening witch and there were few others which were unrelated to another.
Seeing the dark ink splattered on the book she asked, ”You have strange collection of books, milord. There are few with ink spilt on them,” she moved forward to look at the Lord.
”That isn't ink,” murmured Nicholas.
”What?” Heidi asked, who hadn't caught what he said.
”I think its rather late. You can come by another time to the library. Stanley,” he called the butler, ”Why don't you see Ms. Curtis to her room.”
”Yes, master. Ms. Curtis,” the butler asked for her and she wished him a goodnight before she left the room with the butler.
Once the butler had seen the lady to her room, he had returned back to where his master was, who was still in the dark library. His Lord was holding a book and reading it whilst he stood in front of the unlocked glass case.
”Humans are strange, aren't they,” his Lord spoke, eyes still stuck on the book he had picked to read.
”Yes, milord,” the butler replied promptly.
”They have such strange books that hardly makes any sense. How do you think she would react if I told her the truth about this?” he ran his fingers over the uneven book cover and then handed it to the butler
”Ms. Curtis, is honest with her opinions,” the butler added as he bent down a little, to push the book back to where it was kept previously.
”Indeed she is. Knowing her she would probably have something to say,” he smiled and then continued, ”If she plans to visit the library again, which she will undoubtedly, make sure it is in your presence and lock this up,” he said looking at the glass case.
”It has been so long since I last brought a book back here. How long has it been?” Lord Nicholas asked thoughtfully.
”Must be four years, milord,” and the Lord hummed in response, ”If I may add, the black witch's book is one of a quality.”
”That's right. Getting the witch's books are somewhat difficult as they aren't sold in every market,” the butler smiled at his master's words.