37 Book collector- Part 1 (1/2)
For a few passing seconds Heidi felt the time stop still. The cold wind of the empire which she was yet to be accustomed to blew across the garden where they stood. She continued to look at the lord while he returned back the stare.
She was sure she didn't mishear it, especially when the Lord had spoken very clearly which her ears had picked to without a problem. She searched his eyes and face for any humor but it was difficult to pick any emotion out. Not because he had animpassive expression. The man usually wore the same expression, calm and serene with a smile on his handsome face. She sometimes wondered if this was who he was or if it was a facade he had built for people to see. His smile seemed sincere but that didn't mean she hadn't seen the tricking smile that had disappeared with the same quickness it had appeared previously on his lips.
”Heidi,” his velvety voice reached her ears and she realized he had stepped closer to her than before and she no more space to step away from him. The smile on his lips slowly fell off to replace a placid looking expression which unnerved her right now.
”W-what are-”
”What am I doing?” he raised his hand to pick a lock of her hair which was resting on her shoulder, bringing it close to his side until the ends of the lock of hair met his fingers and he let it go, ”I asked you to marry me,” he nonchalantly said, looking back at her brown eyes that were wide.
Heidi felt her heart skip a beat at his actions and she gulped.
She knew that the Lord was only teasing but that hadn't stopped from her tiny heart to react at his display of action. The man who stood in front of her was a hauntingly beautiful man. His brown hair looked black because of the night sky that had taken over and his appearance a little intimidating than the morning. He was truly a night creature, and deep down she was aware that the man was a devil in an angel's disguise.
Clearing her head, she said, ”I don't think you should joke when it comes to things like marriage, Lord Nicholas.”
”What word of mine looks like a joke to you?” he asked her, ”Are you stepping back from your words? I thought you wanted me to pick a decent woman to settle down.”
”I did, but not the woman your cousin is about to marry.”
”Do you mean to say if you weren't meant to fulfill the truce you would marry me,” the gaze in his eyes were intense and unable to handle it, Heidi's eyes moved away to look at the bushes.
”You are twisting the words, milord,” she said and when he leaned closer she shrunk back making him chuckle before he stepped away from her.
”How boring,” he gave up on teasing her. So she was right. The Lord was only teasing her to get a reaction out of her.
”If that is all, I would like to go back inside, Lord Nicholas. The weather is turning cold.” It was indeed turning cold as if it would snow at any point now. It didn't help that the dress she wore wasn't enough to protect her from the cold wind.
”Use this,” Lord Nicholas gave the coat he had been wearing to her.
”That's alright,” she waved her hands in protest but felt it pushed into her hands.