28 An empty- Part 1 (2/2)

When the carriage arrived, Heidi bid her farewell to Mr. Meyers and walked towards the carriage. Lord Nicholas was yet to get in and he stood with Rhys, talking to him.

”Is it necessary for you to constrict the woman? I am sure she would be happy if you let her visit her family once in a while than cage her in the mansion,” spoke Nicholas in a low voice seeing Warren help Heidi get into the carriage. The girl had stepped on the front of her dress, and now she pulled it up to place her feet inside the carriage but not before giving his cousin an awkward smile. Clumsy, thought Lord Nicholas in his mind.

”It is easier said than done, Nicholas and it is for her own good...and mine,” Rhys replied seeing Nicholas raise his eyebrow at him. The man then sighed, ”What makes you think I would let her associate herself with those meager humans who you don't know what nonsense or idiocracy beliefs, to turn against our kind.”

”And isolating her is the solution?”

”I know it isn't but if it's going to keep her away from her family or the man she was in love with, then so be it,” Rhys said sharply as the color of his eyes flickered, ”This way its easier for her to start her new life than dwell in something fruitless.”

Though humans often spoke in the society of how vampires were emotionless without a soul, the statement didn't hold true to all of them. As much as most of them were remorseless, there were some who felt things too deeply and it was mostly true for the ones who created soul bonds with their partners. Vampires love ran much deeper than the humans, and each one had their own way of showing it.

”I will have to send someone along when Lettice goes out with Ms. Curtis,” Rhys massaged the sides of his temples to which Nicholas placed his hand on his shoulder.

”Don't to do that. What I am trying to say is, if you give her a little air or make her think that she's having enough space to breath, it would be effortless to gain her attention and trust. At the end of time, isn't that what everything comes down to?” Nicholas smiled, ”I'll be going. Until later.”

”Hmm, until later,” Rhys nodded. He saw the carriage start, the wheels sound getting distant until it disappeared from sight.

Once Heidi and the others reached the mansion, Heidi went to her room to take off the awful tight dress. Finally able to breath she took a large amount of air into her lungs before letting it out with a great sigh of relief. Seeing that a dress was already placed on the bed for her she changed into it and remembered what Lord Nicholas had done when they had been to Mr. Meyers house. Taking the dress in front of her, she turned around to see two strings that had been snapped. Thankfully there were knots to hold fast in the loops that prevented it from loosening the entire strings that was criss-crossed.

He could have done it without startling her and may be avoiding the hug by making her turn around. She felt embarrassed by the action and no man had ever held her that way before. It was her first time being in a male's arms. What if someone had caught them then? Was he not worried about it? Even though she knew she hadn't anything wrong and Lord Nicholas was only helping her, for a person viewing them, it would look nothing less than an affair which could turn into a scandal. But then she doubted it would cause him any damage because he seemed to be a man who didn't worry himself about such things.

One of his arms had been placed firmly over her waist, not gentle but firm for her not to move as his hand had broken the string from her back. Shaking her head to rid the thoughts away, she took the dress placing it on the chair and opened the drawers and closet to find the sewing box to fix the broken string. Unable to find it, she asked one of the maids to get it which the maid brought without a question, leaving her alone in the room. Putting the thread through the needle she pulled the dress closer to her and began sewing it and just as she began the sudden knock on her door startled her, pricking the needle on her finger.

”Ouch!” she whispered keeping the needle and dress down to open the door she had closed, ”Mr. Lawson. I mean Warren, how can I help you?” she was surprised to see him at her door.