28 An empty- Part 1 (1/2)
Most of the vampire's Heidi had met today, in truth, were far from being humble and kind, though smiles were exchanged their expressions were quick to turn bland when Warren left her side.
It was the first time she realized that the nightly creatures held less value when it came to humans and Heidi made sure their attitude didn't faze her. On the other side of the hall she noticed the woman named Lettice having a smile on her face which looked forced while her husband stood next to her talking to a couple. It seemed like she wasn't spared either when it came to few of their guests attitude regarding the dislike they held for humans. At one particular instance when Lettice was left alone for a minute, an elderly vampire had come to talk to her making her face pale until her husband came to intervene and glare at the man. Heidi was nothing but a spectator who had only seen and hadn't heard what the context was about as she was standing far away from them.
When it was time to leave the mansion of Meyers, Heidi stood quietly waiting for both Warren and Lord Nicholas to finish talking to Rhys Meyers on the taxation that was levied on the villages and nearby towns. The rain had paused for now. His wife Lettice was no where found and it seemed like she had left early from the hall before Heidi had the chance to say a good bye. After they had come back to the hall where everyone were present she hadn't spoke to the lady of the house.
Even though she told to herself this is what she had to accept as her life it was a little odd to her to know that she was going to marry a vampire and be in an environment where vampires looked down on the humans not that it was major concern to her. There were other things that bothered her at the back of her mind and she didn't know what to do in the future when questions and labels would be pasted on her.
Hiding a yawn that almost bubbled up, Heidi let her eyes wander around their house and found few windows open, the breeze a little higher than on the ground making the curtains fly. The windows were really large, just like the ones in Lord Nicholas' mansion and she wondered if it was built the same way in most of the vampire's household. Her family had smaller windows, ones with the vertical and horizontal grills and so did the Duke's house she had visited.
Hearing her name come up in the conversation, she looked back at the men and saw Mr. Meyers nod his head in agreement to something one of the men said.
”I think that's an excellent idea. Lettice might probably be bored staying in the mansion and having a little company would do her well,” Mr. Meyers said with a frown on his forehead.
”I'll go ask the coachman to get the carriage ready,” Warren excused himself walking away and just as Heidi was about to follow the man, she was stopped by Mr. Meyers.
”Ms. Curtis, I hope you don't mind keeping my wife company. She is a very reserved woman, even when it comes to her own husband. Unfortunately she hasn't got friends to talk making her more secluded.”
”And I wonder whose fault it is, Rhys?” Heidi heard Lord Nicholas chuckle making Rhys give him a dry look before he said.
”You will know when you walk the same path as me.”
”I don't plan to walk on it. It's a path which only fools would take.”
”A smart fool,” both Rhys and Lord Nicholas laughed and Heidi wasn't sure if she found it funny because it seemed to her that both the men laughed over an internal joke which was untold.