41 In the span of 2 days (2/2)

As Matthew parked his car, Renae spotted Kaiden and Cathy coming to school together again. ”How about you go explain the plan to Kaiden later when we reach class? Pull him to the side and explain it to him, I'll keep Cathy busy so that she doesn't get suspicious or anything,” Renae suggested. Matthew quickly agreed with the idea.

”Hey guys!” Renae greeted them as she slumped her bag onto her table. ”Morning. How did your date go?” Cathy immediately asked. ”We're a couple now,” Matthew said, joining in on the conversation. ”Also, Kaiden, can I talk to you privately for a second? It's about some... man stuff.” ”Sure but don't do anything weird to me, yea?” Kaiden joked, following him out of the classroom. Matthew playfully punched him on the shoulder.

”So, we went to this restaurant called Akimitsu and they had this couple's special thing since they missed Valentine's day for renovation and I wanted the free foodies so I forced Matt to say that we were a couple to get the free foods and- wait how many ands have I said ha ha ha. Anyways, he was actually real corny, he said,” Renae coughed and prepared to imitate Matthew. ”Why don't we-” ”Become a real couple?” Matthew interrupted her.

”Oh you guys are back. That was fast,” Renae looked up at Matthew. ”Mmhmm. Class is about to start so we should return to our seats,” he said. They all nodded and walked back to their desks. The moment the bell for break sounded, Renae and Matthew exchanged excited glances.

Renae and Cathy headed to the cafeteria to buy snacks while Kaiden and Matthew went to buy drinks at the vending machine. After buying the snacks, Renae said, ”Let's go back to class.” Cathy was distracted by the delicious snack in her hands so she didn't reply, but they were walking towards the classroom anyways, so Renae didn't disturb her and her snack exchanging loving stares.

Just as they were about to reach the vending machines Kaiden and Matthew were at, Renae stopped. ”I need to use the toilet, so wait here for me okay? If the bell rings before I return, just head back to class,” she said to Cathy. ”Mmm,” she gave a short reply. Renae fast walked towards the toilet and met with Matthew halfway.

”Let's watch from the side!” Renae squealed as she grabbed onto Matthews arm. They hid round the corner and silently cheered Kaiden on.

”Oh, Cathy. Hello,” Kaiden said, pretending to be surprised by her presence. ”Hi! I'm waiting for Renae here. What about you?” She replied, taking a big bite out of her snack. ”Pretty much the same, just replace Renae with Matthew. Do you think they went to make out secretly?” He asked. ”Ha ha ha, I wouldn't be surprised honestly. She even told me to just head to class if she doesn't make it back in time. Wanna just head to class first?” Cathy was already getting ready to leave as she said that.

”Wait... I think I lost something,” Kaiden said in a concerned tone.

”Eh? What did you lose? Maybe I can help you find it.”

”Erm... it's a key. It's important, kind of like a house key.... if I don't find it, I'm dead.”

”Hmm... I don't see a key anywhere. You really might lose it forever so get ready to get your butt kicked when you return home... if you can.”

”Oh! You're so mean, Cathy. How could you steal something from me like that and pretend you did nothing wrong?”

”What?! I didn't steal your important key! What are you talking about?”

”You... can't you tell? You stole the key to my heart. A very important key. I don't mind if you don't return it, though,” Kaiden bravely looked at Cathy as he said that. She was so shocked that the snack she held in her hands dropped. Luckily, Kaiden's reflexes were fast and he caught it. In that moment, he really looked like a knight without armour to Cathy.

”I... I like you. Will you go out with me?” He asked as he returned the snack to Cathy. She bit her lip and smiled as she replied, ”Of course! I like you too... I was just afraid you still might have had feelings for Renae, so I held back.”

From the corner, the silly couple started singing the wedding song as they slowly made their appearance. ”Oh shut it.... two couple were made in the span of 2 days, we have done well,” Renae laughed. ”Yes we have. How about we go on a double date this weekend? The place we went to last time has a lovers' special thingy and it's really cool,” Matthew suggested just before the bell rung.

”We'd love to,” Kaiden and Cathy replied in unison.