41 In the span of 2 days (1/2)

The following morning, Matthew drove over to fetch Renae as usual. On the way to school, Renae explained why Kaiden called her yesterday.

”I want to know what Kaiden called you for,” Matthew asked.

”Oh about that... He likes Cathy. He has feelings for Cathy and he asked me for advice,” she responded.

”Well, he chose the wrong person to ask,” he jokingly said.

”What did you just say?”

”Nothing m'lady.”

”Sir nincompoop!”

”What does nincompoop even mean?” Matt asked, confused.

”Oh my! You don't know what it means?? It means a foolish or stupid person! It fits you HA HA”


”By Taylor Swift,” Renae continued. ”OK OK we need to come up with a plan so Kaiden can ask her out.”

”Sure, how about having take place during recess?”

”Good thinking. Why don't we make an excuse saying we need to go to the toilet, leaving the two alone,” Renae suggested.

”Alone time, nice!”

”Then, Kaiden takes this opportunity to ask Cathy out on a date! Oh my how about we have a double date? That Japanese restaurant we went to last night??”

”Oh yeah! That would be amazing! Free choice of drink and dessert! Free stuff! Hell yes!” Matthew concurred with Renae.

”Let's tell Kaiden the plan when we reach school,” Renae said.

”OK,” he agreed.