35 A new leaf (2/2)

”Oh, no questions. Corner boy's name is Matthew, geez.” Soon after Renae said that, a male voice was heard in the background. ”Hey! Did he call me corner boy again? Hmph...” Matthew grunted, adding a pout to look ”cute”. Renae rolled her eyes. ”Ignore the crazy man in the background, please...”

Policeman 1 laughed and asked, ”Will do. Oh, for your lawyer, we'll be getting Ms Lee again. How's that?” Hearing this, Renae was pretty happy. ”Ms Lee? Of course! She was a really chill lawyer, she's so patient too... I would be so happy to have her back oh my...” Renae replied, it was clear from her tone of voice how elated she was. ”Okay then, everything has been covered. Before I hang up, may I ask, is corner, erm, Matthew, your boyfriend?” Renae wasn't drinking or eating anything, but she almost choked on her own saliva after hearing that question. ”Hah? No! Do we look like a couple to you? If we did, I would've happily ran into his arms when we were free after you guys came.... I think. OK, maybe I've been reading too many books, but still! I don't think we act like a couple...”

”That's not it. It's not that you guys act like a couple, it's that you guys match each other very well. For someone to disapprove of your relationship, if you guys ever start dating, then they must be crazy,” the policeman said, making Renae's cheeks turn a slight tint of pink. ”Whatever! Since you're done talking, I'm ending the call. Do we need to go over tomorrow?” ”Nope, I heard that...” Before he could finish his sentence, Matthew interrupted him and ended the call.

”Hey!” Renae reached out for the phone but Matthew didn't let her take it. ”It's my phone and you guys were done talking so it's fine,” he said, getting out of the car. ”We're here by the way.” Renae got out too. ”I can tell,” she responded sarcastically.

”Can I stay for a little while? I'm worried someone will try and do something...” Matthew said as Renae unlocked the door and pushed it open. ”Oh, sure. Come on in.” She did an inviting gesture and they entered the house.

After they settled down comfortably on the couch, Renae got a phone call but she was lazy to get up and receive it privately, so she just did it when Matthew was there.

”Mum? Dad? What's up?”

”We won't be able to return by tomorrow, we're so sorry, Renae...” At first Renae was confused about what her parents were talking about, but only understood what they meant when they added, ”But we'll celebrate your birthday together as a family when we return, okay? We'll eat your favourite food, so please forgive us this one time!”

”Don't worry, I don't blame you guys at all. You guys don't have to do anything special, it's just a birthday... I'll see you guys soon then, goodbye!”

Matthew's head jolted up. ”Hey, was that your parents?” He asked, curiously looking at Renae. ”Mmhmm. Why?” She asked, her focus was on the television. ”Didn't you say they returned and you went to see them back home the other time?” He asked, raising his eyebrow in suspicion.

Renae silently cussed. She had completely forgotten about it! She froze for a second before replying, ”Yea, they had to go on a business trip again, hahaha...” Her laugh was so awkward, it sounded like she was sad. Matthew got that idea and immediately felt guilty. ”Oh, I'm sorry for asking. I didn't think about it before I said it...” Renae was puzzled. What? Sorry for what? But she didn't want to blow her cover so she just shook her head, implying that it was fine.

”I'm really sorry. It's alright, you can cry as much as you want if you need it,” Matthew got up and walked over to hug her. Renae was startled. They hugged each other for quite some time, and during that time, she realised that Matthew thought her awkward laugh meant she was secretly upset her parents weren't going to be there to celebrate her birthday with her, so she went with it.

”I... I'm upset but I won't cry. I feel much better now, thank you... for the hug and being here for me,” Renae said, her cheeks unconsciously flushed a beautiful red. Looking at Renae like that from above, Matthew also blushed, but he was embarrassed so he turned the other way. ”It's... It's nothing,” he replied shyly.