36 Does Matthew hate Renae? (1/2)
”Uhm anyways, it's getting late... you should head back home,” Renae suggested.
”Are you sure? What if something bad happens to you again? I should stay here with you...”
”No... no really, you should go back home. I promise I'll be more vigilant,” she persuaded for him to go home.
Matthew wanted to insist on staying with her for the night but realised that the next day would be her birthday and he hadn't gotten the puppy from his Uncle yet. He also had to tell Cathy and Kaiden about the birthday party he planned for her after school. So, he nodded his head and drove away.
Instead of driving to his house, he drove over to his Uncle's place. On the way there, he contacted his uncle and informed him that he would be coming to pick up the puppy. His uncle replied with an 'okay' and the called ended. Matthew focused on driving and reached Uncle Julian's house in a few minute's time.
He pressed the bell on Uncle Julian's house and he opened the door with the puppy in his arms. Matt greeted his Uncle and took the puppy from him. Uncle Julian had prepared some dog necessities for Renae as he heard from Matthew that she was a first-time owner. He went inside Uncle Julian's house and put the puppy down. He took the stuff he prepared and brought it into his car first. Then, he came back into the house for the puppy. He waved goodbye to Uncle Julian and off he went, back to his house.
He arrived back at his house to the sight of his worried parents.
”Where have you been? We got a call from school that said that you skipped school,” Auntie Ann asked worriedly.
”Oh mum, dad, about that. Renae was kidnapped and I received a call from an unknown number saying to go to a particular location. Kaiden called for the police and now they're in jail. The police said that Min would be seeing us in court to try and pay off her punishment in jail.”
”That's serious.”
”I know... I'm sorry I missed school...”
”It's OK, son. We'll inform your principal about this,” Uncle Jeffery said.
”Thanks dad.”
”But the real question is why is there a puppy with you?” Uncle Jeffery questioned.
”Oh! This! Tomorrow is Renae's birthday and I adopted this dog, well more like Renae adopted this dog, from Uncle Julian. I questioned her through the phone and she passed the interview so I'll bring this dog to her tomorrow.”
”I see...”
Matthew walked upstairs to his room with the puppy still in his arms. The puppy sat down on his lap as he made a conference call with Kaiden and Cathy. He called them to talk about the party he planned out for Renae since it was her birthday. Kaiden and Cathy had already gotten a gift for Renae as Matthew had been talking about it when Renae wasn't around. They talked about the plan arrangement and Matthew left the call.
Kaiden and Cathy however, didn't end the call there. They continued talking. He explained to her what happened and why all of them weren't at school.
”So why were y'all not in school?” Cathy asked.