32 Then there were 3 (2/2)

”Same here! End the call here?”

”OK bye”

Renae switched off her phone and went to bed after that call.

After having been reprimanded by her father, Min turned around and stomped into her room. She slammed the door shut and rolled her eyes. As Min sat down on her bed, she could hear her father lock her door. Something like this... has never happened to her before. She was being locked in her room! Her eyes widened in utter shock and she immediately rushed to her door and tried to open it. Her arms pulled as hard as she could on the door knob while her legs pushed against the walls, but she did it to no avail.

”Dad! You can't lock me in here! You can't starve me,” Min screamed from inside her room. Her were teeth clenched together tightly.

”I didn't say I'd starve you. You'll only be let out during dinner time.”

”I can't stay here until dinner! URGH,” she complained.

What do I do now? Wait, how did Matthew and Renae know that the car which followed them that day, belonged to me? They must have done research! Renae... you little minx, why don't you just leave my Matthew alone?! Now it's payback time... What should I do to you? Min thought to herself as she laid flat on her bed and stared at the ceiling. The more she thought about Renae, the deeper her nails dug into her palm.

Min thought for awhile before an idea popped in her head. Her lips curved into an evil smirk as she jumped up from her bed and walked over to her work desk. She took a seat and started up the laptop. So this was her plan, she would go onto her laptop to look for people to KIDNAP Renae. She logged into her laptop, which was filled with expensive stickers on it. Min looked through multiple websites and settled on the one that looked the least suspicious. She hired 3 men to do this dirty deed. She did this with the intention of blackmailing Matthew to marry her.

Once they did some discussion, they planned to carry this out at night, when Renae would be at home, unguarded and asleep, because Min found out that her parents weren't home. With her parents away, it'd be a huge advantage to them, as it'd be easier to kidnap her.

Since Min was impatient, they decided to do it that very night. Normally, they would wait a few days before doing the deed requested by the customer to do, but Min was offering a lot of money, so they were all on board with doing it that very night.

The 3 of them started preparing as the sun set. They brought along a knife, ropes and masking tape. As the sun shone it's last ray for the day, they were off to Renae's house. Upon arriving at Renae's house, they checked the area for surveillance cameras and saw a few on lampposts close to her house. From the cameras' blind spots, they used stones and bricks found on the ground to destroy them.

Using the same brick, one of them stepped about a metre or more away from the front door and threw the brick towards the middle of the door. It broke. He quickly walked over and reached his hand in to unlock the door. After the door was opened, the three of them hurried in. They searched about the rooms in the house until they found Renae's room.

The commotion was a little loud but it didn't wake Renae up. One of them cut a piece of the masking tape out and another pulled out some rope. The guy with the masking tape was first to take action. He stupidly slapped the tape right on her mouth which, of course, woke up her. She was a little drowsy and confused at first but it didn't take long for her understand the situation. Shock and fear was written all over her face as she sat up.

That shock and fear soon turned into anger. Who on else could it be? It was most likely Min again. Renae thought as she threw a vicious punch at the guy with the masking tape. The other two immediately darted towards her. They tried to push her towards the wall so that they could tie down her hands and feet but oh no she didn't allow that. Her hands turned into fists as she got into a fighting position.

No, she didn't learn how to fight, but from watching shows and reading so many books she had a pretty clear idea on how to fight. Even so, she was still a newbie. She was busy with these two, but what about the idiot who got punched? He got up and karate chopped Renae on the bottom of her neck, close to her shoulder.

It was a karate trick. It knocked her unconscious and she fell to the floor. ”Good job, idiot. You caused it, then u fixed it,” one of them said, rolling his eyes. ”Yea, you deserved that punch,” the other added on. The idiot rolled his eyes, pointed to Renae and said, ”Quick, tie her up and let's get out of this popsicle stand.”

They got out and drove back to their base without getting caught. ”Alright, now we go to sleep. We need to have night duties though. This smartass might escape,” the idiot said, nodding his head over to Renae. ”Okay, how about you go first then? I'll go next, then this guy,” one responded to the idiot. He nodded and they were settled for the night.

Not long after the other two left, Renae woke up. ”What do ya'll want? No, scratch that, what does Min want?” She questioned, her glare piercing the idiot's back. It made him feel uncomfortable. He turned around and shrugged. He was actually very surprised that she could guess it was Min. After all, they didn't know their relationship or the back story to anything. ”Just shut it and wait till morning. Wouldn't want to see your other friends get hurt, now do you?” The idiot replied.

That made Renae chuckle. ”You guys suck at this. You can try, but I can tell you my friends are pretty strong. The moment you lay one finger on them is the moment they lay all ten of their's on you so you shut it,” she said. Hearing this, the idiot was angered. He wanted so badly to hurt her but he wasn't sure if he was allowed to so he held back.

In order to calm himself down, he left the room they had Renae tied up in for a while.

Renae took this chance to try and free herself. The knot they had tied was not super complicated. She very quickly undid it and the one bounding her legs together. But as she looked around at the surroundings, it seemed they were in an unknown area and trying to get back to the city would be hard. She retied the ropes but into much easy knots and pretended to struggle with them as the idiot returned.