26 I’ll prove you wrong! (1/2)
By the time Renae arrived home, it was already 2250, close to 2300. She thanked Matthew for driving her home and went into her house. Matthew watched as she made her way inside. She made sure she locked the door and she went to her room. Renae couldn't sleep that night. The thought of them not being able to find the owner of that car worried her. She kept on tossing and turning on her bed. After much attempt at trying to fall asleep, she gave up and went onto Instagram. Renae hoped that by scrolling through posts and Instagram stories that she'll eventually fall asleep of tiredness.
Little did she know, Matthew was also on Instagram. He was replying to a question asked by one of his old friends and saw that Renae was online too. He then sent Renae a DM [1]. Renae saw a message and went to look at it. Before she replied, she paused momentarily. Should I tell him the full truth of why I am on Instagram or just tell him I'm just scrolling through pictures which is also not a lie? Renae thought through carefully and went with the second option.
Here's how their conversation went.
Matthew: Hey, why are you still awake?
Renae eventually replied back.
Renae: Oh, I'm just scrolling through Instagram. I haven't had the chance to earlier because we were discussing on the car investigation.
Matthew: Are you sure there isn't another other reason?
It was like he saw right through her. She couldn't keep much from him.
Renae hesitated before answering. She still told him the other reason, she couldn't tell a lie to him.
Renae: OK, fine... It's also because I'm scared that although your parents are helping us find the shop and narrow down our options, we might not be able to find the owner of that car...
Matthew: Don't worry too much about it. No matter how long it takes, we won't give up until we find him OK?