21 What has become of humanity? (2/2)

The girl led Renae to the side of the school, where students hardly went to. ”Renae, I have something I want to give to you... I think you really deserve it! So please accept this...” Even before the girl completed her sentence, she swung her hand towards Renae's face, attempting to slap her. Renae's reflexes were quick. She swiftly stopped the girl's hand by holding on to her wrist with utmost strength. The girl was surprised. She tried to pull her hand away from Renae's strong grip, but she failed. Her eyes filled with worry as she bit on her bottom lip in fear.

Her eyes lit up as the other girls came running in. Renae wasn't weak and her reflexes were great, but against about 10 girls? She couldn't defend herself. The girls tackled her to the ground and started hitting her. Punching, kicking, slapping, they threw all of them at her mercilessly. The only place they didn't dare to hit was her head.

”How dare you be so inappropriate with our kings?!” One of them yelled at her. Renae coughed, her arms wrapped around her stomach and tensed her muscles in attempt to shield herself from their hits. She choked as she replied in a mocking voice, ”What? What kings? Who said they were your kings?” The same girl gritted her teeth and kicked her extra hard on the back. She didn't reply, she knew she had been outspoken by Renae.

”Hmpf! Such arrogance! What rights does a man-hunter like you have?” Renae didn't have to look to know it was Min who said that. She chuckled. ”Hah... you say that, but what about you? Aren't you a Matthew-hunter? Isn't Matthew a guy? So aren't you a man-hunter too? Ridiculous. Such a hypocrite.” Renae replied. She didn't want to stoop down to their level, so she just stopped replying to their further insults.

Meanwhile, in the classroom, Cathy looked around the classroom and didn't see Renae. Normally, if Renae wasn't in class, Mathew wouldn't be in class either, but this time, Matthew was in class. She walked over to Matthew's desk and asked, ”Matthew? Where did Renae go?” Matthew looked up. His eye's were full of worry. But why? ”A girl came in saying she had to speak with Renae in private. I'm not sure what's it's about, but they've been gone for quite some time,” he explained, his brows knitted together. Cathy thanked Matthew and returned to her seat.

She waited in class for a while, but Renae had yet to return. She called Renae, but she didn't pick up. In the end, her nerves took over and she went around to look for Renae. She checked all the deserted areas of the school that hardly anyone ever went to.

Cathy was about to lose all hope of finding where they went when she heard a mountain of insults spewing out of many girls' mouths. It was so loud, it was hard to believe they were trying to be discreet. She turned a corner and saw a bunch of girls physically abusing a student! Even from a distance away, Cathy could hear soft moans of pain coming from the student.

Cathy covered her mouth in horror as a thought dawned upon her. Was... was the student Renae? She stumbled a little further away and called Matthew and Kaiden. ”Matthew!!! Oh my god, come to the right side of the school! Just come!” She hung up before Matthew could reply and hurriedly called Kaiden. She told him just about the same thing.

After calling them both, she ran back to where she saw the girls. With the intention of stopping them, she yelled at them, ”Hey! You guys are inhuman. How could you abuse a girl like this?” At first, they were startled and immediately stopped what they were doing. After seeing it was Renae's good friend, they dragged her in and started to hit her too. ”What? We are doing nothing wrong! We are just giving her what she deserves. But since you butted in, we're giving this beautiful gift to you too!” Min laughed psychotically. Cathy was disturbed by the sight in front of her, but the pain took over and she couldn't help but yelp out in pain.

Matthew, Kaiden... please... come save us...

Cathy's body was weaker than Renae's and she was about to blackout when she saw two blurry figures running towards them. Their saviors had arrived!