30 Chapter 30 – The Mage class (2/2)

The Glutton Abeini 49400K 2022-07-22

”Think nothing of it young master.” The girl bowed and watched until he turned a corner and disappeared. She only got back to work once he was completely out of sight.

Back in his room, Adam started asking the girls questions. He did not know exactly what happened when they went inside the celestial enlightenment room and he wanted to compare it to his own experience.

He began with Elaine. Her explanation was very straightforward.

”I went in. Placed my hand on the glowing stone. A bright light flashed and sent me to a dark world. Then an ancient voice gave me two choices. I was to choose between the Ranger and Tank class. Young master already told us that you have the Monk and Ranger class so I chose the Tank class. That's when the bright light flashed again and I was sent back to the room with the stone. When I looked at my hands, they had bright orange flames on them. After that, I came out.”

Though her explanation was short, Adam learnt so much from it.

Firstly it seemed that everyone was pulled into another world. For Adam, it was his soul world. He didn't know if this black world was also Elaine's soul world. But there was no way to tell, so he would have to wait and see if Luna could shed more light on this.

The second point was that the choices that a person received were very naturally put forward through a voice.

The Last point was the element which was activated could only be told from the manifestation that it would display.

This was completely different from how 'digital' and systemised his choices had been.

He looked at Luna this time.

”I wasn't able to tell you this before. So I will say it now. I don't care that you have the darkness element. Nothing has changed. I would like to know what happened when you went into the room but I will not force you to tell me.”

”Young master…” His simple gesture of lending his hand had already blown away all the sadness she felt. His words now only further reassured her and her sister that they had made the right choice to follow him.

”I am fine now. I will recount my experience inside the room.” She then started recounting her experience in detail.

Everything was the exact same as Elaine's until she was sent back out to the room. Only her choice of class was different.

”I was offered the choice of Ranger or Mage. For the same reason as my sister, I thought I would be more useful as a Mage. That is why I chose it.” She continued with her story.

”After being sent out… I noticed a glow coming from my hands. When I raised my hands I saw dark dots that glowed with a pure black light were encasing my hands. They hovered around my hands. They were completely black with a hint of purple. Any light that touched it would be sucked in and even the air around it was vibrating like it was terrified by the dots.” A hint of resignation was in her voice when she recounted her elemental manifestation.

”Most definitely that should be the darkness element then. None of the other 6 elements has those characteristics. It seems really formidable. Fiends who are born from the darkness element are ferocious and can attack someone who is 5 levels above them with ease. I expect nothing less.” He said excitedly. It was honestly a great boost to his team.

The only problem they would face was if other people saw her when she used her spells. As a mage, she was a class that invoked their element to attack. Unlike all the other classes that had to wait until level 30 to gain skills that would utilise the elements.

Of course, there were some like the Lava golems who were born with bodies that showed their elemental affinity and could begin to use it whenever. This was what made them formidable. However, this was a very basic usage without any skill.

”So what skills did you both get?” Adam asked.

”A passive body skill,” Elaine said, matching the excitement in his voice.

”A passive body skill and two spells. My spells include one emission spell and one territory spell. I believe this is the same for all mages regardless of their element?” Luna looked toward Adam and questioned. She had not taken a look at the recording crystal but he had.

”Yes.” He replied. He obviously knew the basics of all five classes since he had watched the whole recording crystal the last time. He began giving an explanation of it to the two girls.

The emission skill was a fireball or flamethrower for the fire element, a water ball for the water element that could be solidified into an ice ball to attack, the air element would create wind blades or a gust, the earth element would create pebbles or jagged rocks that would be used as projectiles, The metal element was very similar to the earth element wherein different shaped small projectiles would be created of different metals and finally the light element would project rays of light that would have a very low healing effect on allies but burn any enemies it touched.

No recordings on the darkness element were made.

Territory spells were very simple manifestations of the element that could entrap or guide monsters in a specific direction. For mages who took time to cast spells, this was a way to even out the odds. For example, the fire element would conjure a wall of flames. This would consume less magic power than emission spells but they would be used constantly.

Just like emission spells, no recordings for darkness element territory spells were made on the recording crystal.

If the Mage class did not have territory spells they would be a fish on a chopping block for their opponent. Especially since their passive body buff was nowhere near even the shaman class. They had the weakest bodies of all the classes. Even their agility was basic at best.

Adam was very satisfied with this new lineup. Elaine would be a fortress at the front who would block all attacks while Luna could bombard and entrap the monsters. Adam could freely flit about the battlefield and bare his fangs at will.

This was the best possible outcome for him. Every member of the team would be able to show off their class's full might and even compliment each other.

The problem he faced with not having enough freedom to execute different moves in the battle had been solved.

They were also training within the dungeon. Here they would be alone. They did not have to worry about Luna's secret being exposed for now. It was a problem Adam left for his future self.

He wished his future self the best of luck.