144 Chapter 18: Swan, Trial (1/2)

”Grandma, what is a trail?” Haru asked Shunji's mother while he was coloring with Kai. Who also had his head up with interest. ”Mommy said she was going to a trial.”

”Oh, trial. Well, that is.” She thought about it for a bit. ”Suppose there are two friends. If they fight, or one does something wrong…Then mister judge listens to them carefully…He teaches them who did wrongly and what kind of punishment they get.”

”Why does someone else have to teach them? The one who did wrong can just say sorry and apologize.”

”…..” Oharu looked stumped 'Oh! Baby, if only things were that simple.' She thought.

Chiho was forced into the seat at the courthouse her gaze was somewhat lifeless as she stared down. Next to her was the police who aided in her crime and Sawa's attorney at the time who was bought by them.

Sawa was already across from them but they were dumfounded silly.

They didn't recognize Sawa at all.

Everyone prominent in Sawa' life sat in the stands including Takashi and her parents. With the exception of Haru Shunji's mother and Kai

”You were in front of me this whole time, and once did you recognize your older sister.” She said to Chiho. When she had enough of the idiotic stares, she was getting from them.

”Your…. Your older Sister?” Chiho responded, well, of course, Chiho wouldn't have recognized her seeing as how much she had changed.

”Everyone stand” a person announces to welcome the judge.

”The defendant asked Attorney Dewa Shunko to stop the appeal, right?” Prosecutor Chigusa Eiichi asked. ”Please answer the question did you or did you not?”

After looking at the number of allegations on these people before him.

He knows he had to put them away. The evidence was too damming this time.

”I did” Sumatera Shigeki, the police officer said slowly

”Attorney Dewa Shunko, did you agree to this” Prosecutor Eiichi then asked the attorney.





After the Prosecutor questions them thoroughly, he moved on.

”Your Honor, I'm submitting Miss Chiho's clothes that have Miss Nishioka's blood on them as well as video evidence of the defendant's conversation as evidence.”

”Prosecutor, begin your questioning to the last defendant.” Judge Hano Shihei said. He has been a judge for twenty years. Although he has seen much evil and corrupted people his life, he'll never understand why they do what they do. He wants to know what Ms.Komura would say Afterall she has enormous crimes that are stacked up to the ceiling.

”Defendant Komura Chiho do you acknowledge the charges placed on you?” Prosecutor Eiichi asked reluctantly, and he saw the newscast when she was taken in so didn't really want to ask her questions because of her response.