143 Chapter 17: Swan, Sawa’s Spring Extra (1/1)


”Thank you for taking us here,” Sawa said with a four-year-old Haru on her lap. ”But how long can we stay here.”

”My family owns this beach house, but it can become yours if you mar-.” Shunji

”No,” Sawa said

”Ah! You break my little old heart all over again” he said

”Mommy can we go to the beach,” Haru said

”Yes, we can” She responded as she let Haru climb down from her lap and walked him to the beach.

The was nice and soft without a hint of broken glass or shells.

Haru caught the ball.

”Wow, that was awesome. Haru” Sawa clapped when caught the ball. Making the little boy smile.

”You're the best.”

They didn't know how long they were playing with the yellow ball. But sure, enough it was near sundown as they sat on the beach. Watching it the sun reflection melt into the water.

”Mommy, why did you name me Haru.”

Sawa paused before laying her back on the sand. ”The reason is…Spring…. Mommy was in a situation and for a baby, being Outside is very important. But you were only allowed to be outside for 30 minutes every day. Mommy wanted you to be the Spring even if it's not there, Be the one constantly growing even if you can't see it.”

”I see.”

Haru stood up and grabbed a stick from the shoreline and started writing his name In the sand. Just for it to be washed away by the @