44 Chapter 12: Pendragon, She is the Stranges (1/2)
”No, it wasn't” Faith smiled at him ”Your brother the crown prince found out he was never getting the throne. That he was adopted and that it was all along going to one of his brothers.”
”The assassins?”
”Were sent by him.”
”Why?” he shook his head in disbelief.
”Men are prideful; he was raised believing that he would become King. He got everything he wanted, women, money, power. He would do anything not to lose that.”
”How did he find out?”
”Your Mother”
”That's why she's dead, isn't it?” His mother had died on mysterious circumstances the week prior he was rushing back from the border to find out the truth. No doubt his other brother had too.
”She told him innocently, not thinking he would kill her, your half-lucky she only got to tell him that it was one of his brothers.”
”So, he sent the assassins after all of us. Didn't he” Faith nodded, Claudius, raised his head towards Meredith ”I'm the heir aren't I.”
”Yes” Meredith nodded