43 Chapter 11: Pendragon, The Pendragon bloodline (1/2)

Claudius couldn't help sneaking glances at the women in black. He had this odd feeling in him about her that he couldn't quite grasp what it is. He picked up a stick and started poking at the fire.

”Claud, keep sneaking glances at me like that then I'm going to start thinking you fell in love with me.”

”Sorry” he looked down and then back up ”Where are we?”

”Don't know.”

”Huh” she giggled ”I tend just to wonder.”


”Things always just work out for me.”

”Oh” this was all he could manage out as he processed what she said, ”Do you have any family?”

”No, the only child, my parents are both dead.”

”So, you're alone.”

”I guess you could say that” as she turned her head toward the lake that seemed that was glowing from the night of the moon. ”It's beautiful don't you think” she started to take off her clothes, revealing horrifying scars and burn marks. ”It makes you want to swim.”

Claudius face turned from red to pale in the couple of seconds that he watched when she dove into the lake. She had so many scars, it looked like she was tortured in the worst ways possible. He felt himself trying to imagine the amount of pain she went through.

It had been some time, and Faith still hadn't emerged he started to panic as he took off his cloths and dove into the lake too. He swam deeper and deeper, and he still couldn't find her. A bright light soon shone towards the bottom, almost blinding him. He swam closer to the bottom, the moment his feet touched the surface he realized he could breathe again, and the light dimmed and formed into a path. He followed the strange path filled with coral on its sides and strange pinkish flowers that he had never seen before. Coral is strange this far inland, Claudius didn't know what to make of it as he followed the path, it became stranger as more strange looking plants riddled the sides of the path. Strange but oddly beautiful. He came close to an odd-looking building that had the same vide as the path. All of it mysterious and beautiful making him nearly forget who he came to find until he heard her familiar voice far into the building.

Claudius saw Faith talking to a purple clothed elder woman who was sitting on the surface of a pool. It was the elderly women who first noticed hi.m

”Hello, Claudius,” she said

”How do...”

”I Know all of the Kings children” she sighs ”The future rulers of Avalon is always supposed to come here. To receive their first trial here.”

”So, my brother came here to”