36 The talking ant, His name is Beldia. More misunderstandings. (2/2)

Rem smiles ”Yes, your honor, I want justice.”

I smile at the guy who woke us up and say ”I hereby sentence you to death by the wag of rems finger.” She wags her finger saying ”Naughty Naughty.” He begins to disintegrate from his legs up.

He starts cursing at us, ”You two bastards! I, Beldia, will haunt you!”

I laugh at my soul attack resistance doesn't even trigger because he's too weak.

I ask rem, ”Did we go too far?” as we start walking back to the inn, and the sea of adventurers part, looking at us in fear. Rem responds, ”Yeah we went a bit far, But I don't really care. let's go back to bed.” I nod and say, ”Yeah.”

She looks at me and says with a melancholic look in her eyes, ”Thank you for doing that with me though, My sister, you know, Ram and I used to tease and mock people that we didn't like that way- well without killing them though, Most of the time.”

I smile and say, ”I love you, why wouldn't I do something you asked me to do? let's do that more often to honor your sisters memory. without killing them though, Most of the time.”

(High-God Omi POV.)

”Based on the Information we gathered via the scrying orbs, They are resisting the urge to destroy the world they are on, but that clearly won't last long, We should Extract all Men, Women, and children who have a High Karmic Virtue score. say, 50 Positive Karma or above. Any Objections?”

There was Silence in the room, ”Motion passed!” Next matter of business, By the words of the God-Empress Of Volent Winds And Rain, Rem winds her sister, Ram, the last name currently Unknown, Is no longer alive, This confirms speculation that at they must have ascended to a Higher Realm, as She did not return to our cycle of reincarnation. We must treat this matter with care as it sounds as if it was recent. It might even be why they are as they said vacationing In this lower realm in the first place. High scribe Nos! Tell me the title that the sister of Rem Winds Held.”

I look at him and he responds ”This lowly one, Responding to High-God Omi, It was Mainly recorded as the God-Empress of Magicka and Will, as well as many other titles.”

I nod.