36 Personality uncontrolled (1/2)

Both of them stood on the appointed place on time.

One stared with surprised face and other stood with a confused expression, but clearly aware of the reason the other person's stunned expression.

Seb's face was blank and straight. She sighed once and waited for Iven to say something soon.

Finally Iven gulped down some air and managed to speak,”Why is that over there?....Was that this serious?”.

The fact was that, Seb had a black eye-patch on her wounded eye. And not to mention it, it looked sharp on her face with her long front curly bangs falling over her eyes.

”Nah!”, Seb swung her hand,”Just to avoid the sunlight. Also, it looked a bit ugly. You shouldn't see it”.

”Can't you show me?”, Iven requested.

”No!!!”, came the firm decline,”It's fine, just a little sore”.

”And what about you?”, Iven stressed on 'you'.

”What's wrong with me?”, Seb looked up.

-You looked really mad the other day. I did some horrible things unintentionally...

-Let's not talk about that. Things are gone. I already let go. Even I overreacted a bit.

-You have a fluctuating mood. But as long as you're, I'm good too. SO, where do you wanna go today?

-I have brought 2 tickets for the Amusement park, wanna go?

-There's no point in asking when you have already brought them, is it?

-Ah sorry,....did you have other plans?

-Nope, Amusement park sounds cool. Let's go!

-If you say so. But there's one thing which is bothering me.

-What is it?

-What's with that get up?

-DO I not look decent enough?

-Decent...isn't the word I would use...

Iven looked down at his attire.

He wore a grey t-shirt from inside with a black Blazer along with black trousers. His shoes were high quality and polished.

In all, the dress did bring out his main sexy traits.

But it seemed as if he was on his way after a murder.

Seb thought the same.

”It looks like you are going for your dealing job”, Seb said,”What's with the black?”.

I have all the color in my life needed now, is what Iven wanted to say but just looked down and took the weird compliment by rubbing the back of his head.

But Seb was already on the move, and there's nothing that can bent what she has decided once.

she dragged Iven to the nearest dress store.

She wouldn't take no for an answer and shoved Iven in the trial.

She is not the shopping type and buys whatever she's sure about at once.

She chose a set for Iven within no time and demanded him to try it on.

Iven hesitated at first, but one stare from Seb took care of the problem.

When finally Iven came out, Seb had a pleased expression with a little amusement and Iven looked shy as he scratched his head bashfully.

”Don't stare like that!!! Does it look that odd?”, Iven looked away.

”You look just my boyfriend type”, Seb smiled,”You look perfect”.

Iven suddenly looked her away which such a face and Seb missed it by a minute because she went to pay.

Even Seb said it casually, it really struck Iven hard. He kept on looking with all sparkly eyes and mouth wide open. He did hear it correct. Is casual type her style of dude??? She did seem really impressed though.

He took a look at the mirror at himself.

He wore a white shirt from inside and a light blue normal shirt in place of the jacket. Instead of the trousers he wore quartered cargoes and his usual shoes went well with it. He didn't need to change them after all.

”I wish I don't run in to any of the boys”, Iven prayed.

The different outfit than usual highlighted a different trait in his physique. He looked attractive. Even all the female staffs in the store were stealing glances.

Iven was contented because Seb was happy with it.

She returned afte paying for the clothes,”All cool? Let's go then?”.

The Amusement park

There were numerous stuffs to choose from in the park.

Iven has never been to such a place before, thus he couldn't decide what to do.

Finally Seb expressed her choice,”Let's ride the Roller coaster!!! I've been meaning to try it for a long time now”.

Iven took one look to the gigantic thing and burst out,”You want to get on that horrific thing early in the morning???”

”Do you want to do anything else?”, Seb asked.

This time Iven said something he wanted to do after he spotted it later and it looked interesting. ”I thought may be we could go there?”, saying he pointed at the Haunted house.

”And that's not a problem going in that filthy place in the morning?”, Seb imitated Iven.

”Don't tell me you are scared”,Iven teased.

Seb let out a sarcastic smirk,”Stone,paper,scissors!!!”, Seb suggested.

”Childish, but fine by me”, Iven said.

At last, Iven won after playing it twice. They had to go to the Haunted house. For Iven it was all new, so he wanted to see it. but unfortunately it didn't turn out the way it should have.

Every time a ghost would appear before them to scare them, Iven would pass comments,”Belle, how can he figure out where we are when he has no head?”, such and all.

Seb was trying her best to get scared and fit in the atmosphere, but Iven's comment won't let her. Even the scariest of characters appeared funny to her.

”Hey look!”, Iven said once,”The dwarf has long hair, it's probably a female”.

Seb finally had replied to that,”Iven, don't you think that your ideas about ghosts are a bit off?”.

But things went to the next level during the Roller coaster ride!

After the first round, Iven said,”I think I'll puke”.

Seb immediately shouted above the wind,”Don't do it in here! You'll create a mess!!!”.

After the second round he said,”I've trouble breathing!”.

Seb suggested to ask to stop the ride, but he shook his head and forbid her.

After 2 more rounds he said,”I feel nauseous....”

Seb finally asked him,”Iven you don't take these wild rides very well do you?”