34 When the mist cleared (1/2)

'The Aphrodites' have never undergone such challenge before.

This experience gave them a new stimulation for determination. They transformed to beat 'The Lucifer's' in the most cruel possible way.

Seb didn't care who they were anymore.

For her, the game and her team was more important. She was gonna play her style of game, showing no mercy to Iven and the others. She had never expected them to do such a thing!!!

This time, when 'The Aphrodites' entered the court, the crowd tore their throats cheering for them. Seb had entered and soon the tables were going to turn.

That should give them a hint of my capabilities. I'm the Captain for nothing, Seb thought.

Seb looked at her competent and found Iven right in front of her, behind the net.

So, he has stepped into the game too!!! Seb thought he wasn't gonna play. Now this is going to be interesting than the other matches!!!

Both of them exchanged a smirk at the same time when the whistle marked the start of the match.

Jane was on service. She was furious as she made a strong pass.

Mak was the one who lifted it on time.

Eventually the game started taking a twisty turn!

Seb had to overdo herself and her mate's part since they were not able to meet up to 'The Lucifer's' incredible speed and energy. They had too much agility. No matter how skilled they were, the oppositions were still boys!

Seb sprinted like a maniac, back and forth, taking care of both lift and smash.

Just within 15 minutes of the game, she was dripping impossibly with sweat. Her jersey was messed up with dirt because she fell quite a few times in lieu of saving the ball. Small scratches covered her whole body. Her hair was dripping and her cheeks and nose had turned red due to the cold. She was hell exhausted, but paid it no attention at all.

Next, the service was on 'The Lucifer's'.

Iven played pretty mercilessly and Seb had noticed that unlike others, who just followed the game rules and applied inhuman strength, Yuka was pretty skilled in his moves. He must have been trained in the game. His hands broke through simple tactics without breaking a sweat!

The whistle blew as Hamish served the ball. The score was brought up to equal. Seb wasn't able to favor it on their side but maintained it equally.

Yuka lifted the ball as Mak dashed forward for a smash.

unfortunately, there was no one at the spot where the ball was esteemed to fall except Ari.

She was young and not properly trained in smashing till. Yet she refused to leave the spot else they lose a point. The other players were at a distance and couldn't have make it in time. They thought it best to let the point go. They thought that even Ari was going to do the same. But they were wrong!!!

To their horror, Ari stood their without her hands positioned for the incoming ball. Iven had thought the same too, but he mistook the determination of the team. It was too late to stop now!!! Ari won't be able to block it. it was at full power.

”Mak!!! NO....”, Iven tried to warn when the ball was already on it's way!

It was a fraction of second of time. Ari was sure she was going to get hit. She knew it was impossible for her to block the ball. She closed her eyes tight shut and waited for the wave to pass!!!

”WATCH OUT ARI!!!”, came a sudden call as she opened her eyes.

It was Seb!!!

Nobody had noticed her pacing towards Ari. It happened in a fraction of second. She came right in between Ari and the ball just in time, but couldn't fetch enough time to lift it up!

The blow was sure strong, even for Seb!

The ball had gone straight through and had hit Seb's face. It made a loud noise and Seb was already tumbling on the court.

”SEB!!!!”, Ari screamed.

The other players started running towards her.

The crowd raised in worry due to the attack on their star player!

The announcer froze on his voice.

The members had gathered around Seb. She was still lying on the ground.

Iven started motionlessly. He gasped and swallowed a lump in his throat!

He threw a raging glance at Mak who looked worried as well as guilty. All of them had their eyes fixed on Seb. She had sat up but wasn't on her feet yet. Iven was gritting his teeth, clenching his fist hard!

It took a while before Seb's teammates cleared.

Seb had stood up, her hand covering her right eye. The expression on her face face clearly said that it was a major injury, she was trying to hide it by assuring her teammates and forcing a smile!

Iven changed expression to a worried frown. He realized that the smash had wounded her eye. He waited for her to remove her hand as he wanted to see how serious it is!

Seb did remove her hand, but before Iven could see anything, she turned back.

When she had turned again, she had her front bangs over her eyes. They barely exposed. Her hair was short and she took the advantage. She won't show her weakness to her opponents, no chance!!!!!

Iven knew Seb was clearly hurt, but that girl sometimes pretends to be too strong. She is used to things all by herself and never exposes her problems!

Iven signaled Mak to come around and said,”Go easy a bit. They're just kids and it's a game. They won't be able to match up with your strength. Seb is reluctant to show it but she is indeed hurt. It could have hit the other kid too if she wasn't on time.”

”I know Iven, I was reckless. I will be careful”, Mak was embarrassed.

”Yeah but don't hold it back. We need to win this game”, Iven commanded.

”Why are you so hell bend to win this game? Why are you even playing it?”, Yuka came from behind,”It's not everyday when you come up suddenly and make us practice for a week for this game. What's the reason??? Seb has got to do something with it, right?”.

”Just know that she lacks a few lessons which I have to teach her”, Iven looked down,”Other than that, she'll get it herself. Totally between us”.

”You're going too hard on her”, Yuka said seriously,”As far as I know Seb, there is nothing she can learn from you winning this match. It's you who needs the lesson indeed. All this time, I have noticed, she was changing you for the better. Don't ruin her instead. There's still time. Seb is hurt. Withdraw from the match Iven!”.

”Whatever! Win the game and get over with it”, Iven completely ignored Yuka. Yuka sighed and rolled his eyes as he returned to his position. 'The Aphrodites' were positioned too, along with Seb.

The match started but something was off this time.

Seb wasn't giving her all, in other words, wasn't able to.

Something stopped her. She missed lifts and her smashes had no force in them. They started missing points constantly. Iven's team was scoring without any effort. Even Seb fell down often.

The main reason was her eye injury. She was unable to detect incoming. Iven was suspicious and offered her a chance by holding back. She still didn't make it and Iven was sure that her form was gone. Seb understood it and shook her head slightly at him. They might lose, but their pride mattered more. They'll admit defeat honestly.

Finally when the last whistle blew, the game ended.