19 When a new something strikes (1/2)
Seb found Iven standing with his back at her. He was early.
”Waiting for me?”, she called from behind and joked.
”Like I don't have better jobs”, Iven turned,”Also...You're the one late today”.
”So you were waiting after all”,chided Seb.
”Take it as you want”,Iven gave a don't-care look at her. Seb laughed.
”Well...”, Seb started to talk normally,”I usually come at 5:00 am, but nowadays I feel a bit tired. So I delayed the time”.
”You come everyday?”, asked Iven.
Seb nodded.
”That explains it”, Iven said,”I too come everyday, but 6:00 am. I live here you know”.
”So you admit that the ship is your hideout?”, Seb snapped her fingers.
”It's my home”, Iven corrected and stressed the word 'home',”And you figured it out earlier, why ask again?”
”Just needed the confirmation”, Seb shrugged.
Iven tched.
After a little while of their stroll, Iven talked again,”What do you do?”
Seb looked bewildered,”Me?...I'm a college student”.
- I mean, what do you do that makes you so tired?
-Oh you have no idea!!!
-What is it?
-There is my Taekwondo tournament upcoming, then a stupid football match, my volleyball practices, then the editing documentaries, also my sketches....
Iven sounded very calm when he talked, whereas Seb was beaming while explaining her lists of things to do.
He raised his palm up and gestured her to pause. a frown appeared on his face,”I think you've learnt too much, don't you?”
”Even Eric says the same”, Seb led out a short laugh.
Iven had an alarmed expression,”Who's Eric?”
-She's my best pal. She says I've taken all the responsibilities of the college.
-She? Eric....is a woman???
-Actually it's Erica. I call her Eric.
-You've weird boyish accents.
-Eric says that too!!! She hates my boyish accents.
Iven sighed and rolled his eyes. Seb suddenly remembered that Erica's dream guy was a hardcore guy. And she was standing right beside one.