18 As the story unfolds (1/2)

”Seb!!! That's wrong!!! Take double of the value”, Erica scolded for the fourth time,” What has happened to you Seb? You were never this distracted while learning!”.

”It's nothing. I'm just stressed”, Seb sighed.

”Well, why did you take so many responsibilities at once?”, Erica folded the book she was holding and hit it on Seb's head once.

”Don't do it', Seb said a little irritated.

Erica seldom sees Seb annoyed, so she found it funny ti disturb her. She did it once again, and Seb angrily snatched the book away from her and threw it away. Erica winced at her behavior,”What's with you?”, she exclaimed,”Since when did you turn out to be so violent? Since when do you have such temper?”.

”It's nothing”, Seb said more annoyed than before,”Carry on, where do I put this value after multiplying?”.

Erica was really flustered by Seb. She wasn't ready or willing to face an angry Seb.

”Are you fine?”, she asked concerned,”Did something happen?”

”FINE, fine...I said I'm fine!”, Seb stressed on her words. It nearly sounded like a shout.

Erica hesitated. She felt rather insulted. Grabbing her bag she stood up,”Call me when you're back to normal”, she grumbled. She was little offended too,”I can't teach you when you're like this”, and saying thus she approached the door.

Now Erica was pissed.

Seb felt lazy to go and stop her again, but eventually she had to. It was her fault in the first place.She have lost her mind.

She hurried before Erica could turn the door knob. It was very easy to persuade Erica. After a few apologies, polite words and a moment of puppy dog eye stare, she calmed down.

”Sorry Eric”, Seb made her sit and spoke seriously,”It's just, the past few days are very hectic for me. Please understand!”

”But I'm not your stress relieving machine”, Erica said,”I can only listen your reasons and complaints, not your temper”.

”But then, I'll have no one to turn to then”, Seb looked up at her.

Erica stared for a while. She tried to put an end to the sentimental topic,”Alright alright! Just don't push yourself too hard. Call me when you wanna go out. I can cheer you up the best...So, wanna learn more? Another chapter left!”

Seb nodded and smiled sadly.

Somehow she couldn't bring herself to tell Erica the truth. Not now!

At 6:15 am morning

”Whoa, you've gotten heavier Ichi!”, Seb complimented as she lifted him up,”You're growing well”.

Seb and the dogs were at there regular place at regular time. Her eyes didn't search for the person she was expecting, because she was confident that he will turn up. The way they parted yesterday, will bring him back!

Suddenly a familiar head popped out from among the dogs. That was her cue. He's here.

”Hello Rikki,” Seb lifted her up,”We were expecting you, right boys?”, the dogs wagged their tails and approved it.

A pair of legs came and stood in front of them. They were nearer compared to the other day. Seb noticed but didn't look up. A very familiar voice with a different accent spoke,”You're here again”.

He sounded very odd from his regular accent. Politeness doesn't suit him at all. He's more suited to be the sadist type. He was sure Seb was listening, but she didn't reply.