15 A come back (2/2)
At college
Seb had to skip college for one day. Well, forced to.
Erica wouldn't wouldn't listen a thing until she was fully recovered. She wouldn't listen of any tournament of Volleyball, Taekwondo or Football for good.
Thankfully, she was better enough the next day and Erica permitted her to attend classes.
Not like Seb ever attended much lecture.
She went straight to the literary club after reaching college and sat to edit her documentaries which were supposed to be published within 1 week. It was a hard trait of her. She was indeed very responsible and didn't know how to slack off. She'll complete her job no matter how long it takes, and within time. It took her 2 whole periods to finish proof reading.
Then she met Senior Jacob again with a lot of boldness and pre-prepared speeches and debated on the game which she didn't want to participate in. But she lost the argument again. The seniors had her altogether, gave her date and day of practice and warned her to be present on time.That took long enough too.
Finally when she was about to enter class,she met Renee, Vice Captain of 'The Aphrodites'. She informed that the team was having a meeting and expects her presence. Again she had to skip classes. The meeting went on for 1 hour and Seb missed her lunch break too.
She was about to buy a sandwich quick and get to class, when another thing came up. Chris and Hayden from her Taekwondo group informed that their Coach wanted to meet up everyone who were going to participate in the upcoming Tournament, and he wanted Seb to show up too.
Stuffing her face with the sandwich, Seb rushed to the gym. Every body was already present and their Sire was giving instructions. Seb listened, but didn't pay any attention. By the time that was over, it was already evening.
Seb came out lazily and tired from all the running, just to face Erica's volcanic face in front of her. She was out of sight whole day.
Eric is gonna kill me, she thought and prayed.
She took the initiative to defend and came forward with raised hands in surrender,”All right all right, I admit it!!! It's a hectic, I'm too stressed. Too many things to handle for one person”.
”Wrong!!!”,snapped Erica,”Too many things to learn for one person”.
”Yes that too”, Seb said.
”I thought I let you come because you wanted to attend classes!!!”, Erica wasn't amused,”Give it a rest Seb!!! You're still not completely fine”.
”I feel completely okay”,Seb protested calmly,”In fact, Taekwondo practice starts tomorrow”.
”My words.....”,Erica sighed,”.....always seem to go above your head. Not in my capacity to stop you what you have once sworn to do”.
Seb rolled her eyes and swapped the topic,”Wanna eat something? I'm starving”.
Erica gave a blank look and said,”Cool!”.
Next day at Taekwondo Club
”SEB!!!!”, shouted the Sire,”What's wrong with you?” Focus!!!”.
Seb tried to. But somehow she was getting ,thrashed by a weak player like Chris. Chris was beaming with excess pride, having overthrown Seb, the Ace of the team.
Seb was concentrating completely, but her limbs and body were not cooperating. She felt little lethargic, having just recovered from the fever. She even had pain in her arms from the injuries she gained. She knew exactly what to do, which move to apply, where to put defense and block or where to attack, but she felt rather lazy. She was seemed a bit distracted. Before she could be at it on time, she was already on the floor.
This was the third time Chris overthrew her.
”Perhaps, you need more training”, Chris dared to mock.
”Just because I don't need to train uselessly everyday like you people, doesn't mean that I'll forget my knowledge”, Seb replied calmly as she got up and brushed herself. She was talking normally, but her voice was cold and angry, little humiliated too,”Once I get back in form, you novice, I'll return the debt I owe you.......with huge interest!!! I promise”, and the last line was a open challenge,.....or maybe a threat.
Chris gasped and swallowed. His mouth went dry and face lost color. He knew what mistake he had done. Not even Sire could defeat Seb before. She had her training in U.S. He invited a huge doom for himself, not even Sire can save him from her now.
”Hey, don't take it that personally...”,he chose his words wisely,”I was just joking”.
”My jokes have a lot of humor in them...”, Seb spoke and threw Chris a look which wasn't gentle at all,”You'll find them funny next time”. She winked at him.
Chris thought it best to escape the situation by escaping her. It would be best to avoid her for a few days.
”Lousy Punk!!!”, Seb cursed after he left in a hurry.
But she was irritated with herself too. How can she lose possibly to a guy like him? It couldn't be her sickness, she is healed completely. Perhaps, she wasn't getting stamina. The fever left her pretty weak. Her arms felt loose too.
It's also been three days since Seb went for her morning run. Erica had prevented her and she herself didn't feel like. It was probably not a very good choice.
This is not going to work this way, Seb thought, I must resume it. Else I won't gain energy for anything. Then I'll show that Punk what it actually feels like to taste sand under my feet.