15 A come back (1/2)

Seb didn't encounter much trouble cycling back home. She made it in a distance of hardly 5 minutes. That too, she didn't meet up to her usual pace. Instead, she cycled very slowly.

When she reached home, the only thing she did at first, was crashing against the bed like a broken warrior. It was cold, but her bed never felt much warmer. She felt herself again. She didn't even bother to tend her bruises, or get a change of clothes in-spite of still having a warm temperature. Kicking her shoes off, she grabbed her blanket, shrank to a size of a football and tried to get some real sleep. But once again, her wishes were interrupted!

Somebody started ringing the bell of her apartment vigorously. It didn't have any interval. It went on and on.

Seb tried her best to pretend to be not at home. She snuggled her head under the pillow to escape the noise. But the person seemed to be in no mood to leave before making sure of her presence.

Seb finally gave up and got up. She was already cracked due to lack of sleep. She dragged herself half asleep towards the door. Up until then she was determined to give a mouthful to the the cause of her disturbance. She swung the door open with that in mind, but instead, she witnessed a hand flying in air, charging directly at her with a clear intention of an attempt of slapping her.

Seb still had her reflexes. She studied the moment within no time and immediately sprang into defense. Before she could even do it, the hand automatically stopped midway.

Erica was gaping at her with bulging eyes.

That's when Seb realized that she should have called her first, based on the fact that she forgot about her phone completely, which was in her pocket this whole time. Stuck in that perilous situation, she lost control of her wits totally. It's totally her fault. She must have been so worried.

Erica stood motionless, breathing heavily. She was clearly little shocked and relieved too to see Seb.

She was amused at her appearance too. Her hair was unkempt, face pale as white, she had huge dark circles and also bloodshot eyes. The unnatural blush on her cheeks clearly revealed that she had a fever.

Seb realized the situation she had put Erica into. Both of them didn't sleep whole night. Seb tried to be cool and cover it like nothing happened. She possibly cannot tell her what has actually happened to her last night. Not anything about Iven too.

”Eric! Oh!!! Just the person I want right now!”, Seb beamed out. She meant it too.

Erica looked at her all over again. Yes, it was Seb, in one piece, undoubtedly. Her side bag dropped. She took one step towards her and then suddenly launched at her. In a blink of an eye, Seb found herself in a tight embrace by Erica. She clasped her and buried her face in her shoulder.

”Eric? What's wrong?”, Seb asked as she wondered while confused.

”Don't you dare do that to me again!”, Erica gritted her teeth and answered after breaking the hug,”Where the hell have you been since yesterday? Do you know how many times I've called?”.

”Jesus Eric!!!”, Seb pretended to be frank, ”I've been away for only 1 night. What's the big issue?”

”Have you been home?”, Erica looked at her face,”And you have a temperature too!!!”.

”Well I...”, Seb flustered a bit.

She formed some other normal believable story as fast as possible. She was bloody good at those.

”I reached home little late yesterday evening after the encounter with Senior Jacob”, she lied skillfully,”I was already sick by the time I reached home to give any call. I didn't even get to cook my dinner”, and the grocery bag was a evidence on the table.

”By the time night grew....,” Seb continued,”....my condition worsened and I couldn't move an inch of my muscle. My phone was out cold too and the answering machine went un-replied. Only now I feel a bit better.”

Erica never doubted Seb. In fact, she felt terrible that she couldn't be of any help when Seb needed her.

”Have you eaten anything yet?”, she softened.

”Not really”, Seb replied, trying not to think of the meal last night. She didn't really enjoy it.

”You should have called me at least. I'd have come”, she said.

”It would be a bother...”, Seb explained,”...but now that you're here, can you cook me something? I'll crash for a while, couldn't sleep whole night”.

”Go and change first”, Erica smiled,”I'll cook you something warm. It'll cure you fast”.

Seb didn't even wait. She jumped again on the bed without changing her clothes. Erica's cuisines were heavenly. She really loved eating what she cooked or experimented. After a while, when a rich aroma started emerging from the kitchen, Seb's nose twitched. She couldn't wait for it.

After an hour, Erica appeared. She was carrying a tray. It was one of her talents, preparing food within a very short time. The scent was mouth watering. Erica didn't have to poke Seb, she was up already.

Erica placed it on her blanket and laughed,”When it comes to my food, you'll be up even if down with fever”.

”I can even come back from the dead”, Seb corrected.

Seb studied the dishes. Perfect hospital food with little of Erica's touch. Carrot soup, Pork noodles, fried pork chops and a small pudding for restoring taste.

Seb looked up and said,”Be my mother and stay here”.

Erica chuckled.

Later she insisted on staying and skipping college until Seb felt better.

Seb didn't mind. She also sometimes longed for someone's company who was sincerely caring towards her.