1 The one with the wings (2/2)

-Well, that's your name.

-Isn't it Sybelle?

-But Seb is like your suited name. Every one calls you that.

-It's pointless arguing on this with you.

As Seb never revealed that she missed being called by her real name some times. After all it was indeed a beautiful name, and also given to her by her late parents. Even she never expected her closest friend to realize that.

”And I don't want you among the crowd”, Seb spoke again,”Remember the last time we went for a drink together? Just the 2 of us?”

”We never drank together!”, Erica bursted out ,”The most we did was attend Rock Shows and Amusement Park together”.

”Just a metaphor”, Seb said,”This is not what I wanted. I just wanted to learn new things.”

”Your fault though!!!”, chuckled Erica,”In lieu of learning, you overdid it Seb. You learned too much. Two years of Volley-ball, two years of Foot-ball, one year of Swimming, two years of Art and Sketch and three years for Taekwondo and dance, excluding the other extra stuffs you took coaching for. Why didn't you stick to one single stuff?.....And talk about those, don't you have an upcoming Taekwondo Tournament? You also vaguely mentioned something about the Literary club, didn't you?.....Something like they, hiring you as the Editor after you wrote those documentaries???”

Seb stuck out her lower lip and nodded.

”Jesus Seb!!!”, Erica scolded,”Won't you get exhausted???....What about your studies and assignments?”

”You're so kind Eric, you completed all my assignments??”, Seb mocked. It didn't take a second for Erica to understand her.

”You want me to complete your pending works, don't you?”, she asked.

”Thank you Eric, so much”, Seb applied heavy accent.

”Fine with me”, Erica surrendered,”But I cannot study for you. What about that?”

”As for studies, I manage to get more than average marks in class some how”, Seb continued,”You are there anyways. If you teach me, I might score more. Actually, who won't?...after taking coaching from the smartest student in class?”

”Stop buttering now!!!”, Erica said,”The most I can afford is 2 hours. Rest is on you. I don't even know why I keep on doing this, surrender to your stubbornness each time”, she mumbled to herself grumpily.

Seb laughed,”It's not stubbornness. You just love me too much to let go of my stupidity. It's a perfect contrast of friendship.”

”The most stinking contrast!”, nodded Erica.

”Anyways, since I have two free days left till my practice for Taekwondo starts, I'm taking you out on a drink”, Seb announced.

”Seb!!!”, reminded Erica again,”We don't drink! Will you just get over already with the drinking metaphor?”

”Oh sorry”, Seb said,”Then...how about a Rock Concert Tomorrow? I've two tickets”

”I'll be ready”, Erica agreed happily.

They reached Erica's hostel, and Seb dropped her till her doorstep as Erica asked confused,”Where's your bike? How will you go home?”

”I will walk up to the college Stadium again.My bike is parked out these”, said Seb embarrassed.

”Then why on earth did you walk till up here?”, Erica raised her voice.

”And let you go alone at night, missing this time together?”, Seb chuckled,”Not in a freak million years”.

Saying Seb didn't even give Erica any chance to say more, as she leaped down the stairs, and waving her hand towards Erica, she disappeared in darkness in no time.

Erica sighed as she smiled warmly....Seb, a true piece of art she is indeed.