1 The one with the wings (1/2)
”Just another shot needed. Come on, you can do it well!!...We'll win!!!” shouted Erica as she adjusted her spectacles again which was already placed properly.
The one addressed, knew it was her as she looked back and gave Erica a wink. She knew that that the game was totally in her palm's control and scoring just another point was a mere child-play to her. She could have put an end to the game pretty soon, but it was in one of her signature styles to keep the ending pretty showy.
She positioned herself, beaming confidently with a million jewel smirk on her lips, as she prepared for the victory shot to be legendary. She always puts her full force on the last blow!
As the last 5 minutes began, the crowd had already started chanting the victory spell.
This particular formula never failed to boost their star player's confidence up to such a level that she felt her blood heated up. Miraculously, it gained success some how. She had never lost a match she has participated in.
”Go Seb!!..Go Seb!!..Go Seb!!..”, came the synced chorus from the spectators.
As within the leftover 3 minutes of the game, finally the ball came towards her with a terrific speed. She wasn't the type to hesitate for a second, she always took action on spot.
Jumping out of the center spot, she blocked the ball and bounced it softly towards Zane, making sure to decrease the pace.
Zane knew exactly what to do. They had been practicing and doing it for months now. They were totally skilled in it by the time. It was kind of their special Duo, always saved for the last.
Zane bounced the ball with maximum strength, as high as possible. The star played dashed in front of the net quickly where she calculated and assumed the ball would land. Before anyone from the opposite team could even detect the ball, she jumped fiercely high and placed a mighty smash on it. The opposite could get no moment of chance to position any defense as the ball was already on their court. It was smashed with such energy, that it dug a hole on the sand court, as it stamped the victory on the other team.
The crowd immediately raised in deafening cheer and applause. This has been the double hatrick for ”The Aphrodites”. Continuous victory for the 6th time.
”And an amazing shot with the victory of ”The Aphrodites”, by none other than...SYBELLE!!!”, the announcer shouted with amusement accompanied by the audience as well.
”Way to go Seb!!!”, Erica yelled at her best friend's success.
Seb punched a fist in the air. She loved doing that whenever she did something cool and proud.
”Goes a fist for the 'The Aphrodites'!!!”, she shouted out. ”The Aphrodites!!!”, the audience followed her and each of them threw a fist in the air.
No wonder, she was indeed a star player.
She was given the 'Man of the match' title as she received the cup for her team.
Her teammates, Erica and the audience screamed with enthusiasm when she accepted her honor.
And the rest of the evening was spent celebrating on the success of ”The Aphrodites” and Seb.
A While Later
”I hate this!”, exclaimed Seb annoyed. Erica sighed but didn't bother looking.
”what is it that you hate?” Erica asked as she adjusted her spectacles again. It's a habit of Erica. She keeps doing it every time and Seb never misses a chance to tease her with it.
And she did it again,”The fact, that you keep brushing your cool goggles every minute with so much attitude”.
Erica pretended to get amused as she spoke full of sarcasm,”Oh really? Thanks for reminding. Now I shall do it every second. That might satisfy you.”
Seb chuckled throatily, Erica laughed too.
”So, what is it that you actually find so annoying?', asked Erica again.
”This all!!” Seb exclaimed, ”I like to play, be creative, enjoy and learn how much I can. But I don't want to do it for fame. I didn't even want to be the Captain. I just wanted to be in the team and look how they treat me now. I feel pathetic. Seriously Eric, nowadays I hardly even get 5 minutes of private space and time of my own!”.
Erica sighed,”Okay, first of all, don't include me in your boyish accents. It's Erica!!...And also, you don't have to say like that. Well, I'm here with you now, aren't I?”
”That's not the fact now. But....I can't help calling you Eric, Eric!”, Seb said,”Even you call me Seb, don't you?”