42 Chapter 12: Forgotten 2 (1/2)
I presented myself courteously and they did the same.
”Ahh. You're such a lovely young lady!” One of them says. ”Such a shame your powers haven't awaken yet”
With this again?
”Aerra doesn't need them! She's amazing as it is!” Kain interrupts. ”She can climb tall trees with just one jump!”
That's not even lady like!
I wish he didn't open that up.
”Oh my! Where did you learn that?” One of them asks
”Is it from the boy the Duchess had taken in?” the other one added.
”Ah yes, isn't he a former assassin?” The third one asks.
They all looked at me with wondering eyes.
”Umm. No, I learned it from someone else”
The three ladies exchanged glances.
One of then carefully talked in a rather slow manner as if trying to be tactful, ”Is that during... when you were kidnapped?”
I guess there's no better way in asking such.
I nodded. ”Yes, my Lady”
They made all made an 'Ohhh' sound, placing a hand over their lips. It appears it somehow hyped their mood.
”Must be a terrifying experience, poor thing! Yes, it must have scarred you!”
”Maybe that's why your powers haven't awaken yet! Yes, it must be some sort of trauma.”
”Aw. Dreadful indeed.” says she as the two nodded in agreement
”I wouldn't know what to do without my powers! You must be frustrated about this, right?”
”But your twin is quite powerful, yes? It must be devastating for you not to have powers at all. It's quite embarrassing in fact.” she clicked her touch. ”Well my powers awakened by the age of nine!”
”Oh mine too! It's more common by the age of ten, right?” Another one replied. I don't think they're letting me talk anymore. ”But... she's twelve now. Such an awful trauma it must be”
”Yes, the girl was held captive by some barbarians after all! Tsk. I wouldn't know how to live-on with my life after such!” She then moves closer and whispered, ”Tell me, were you...” she pauses and uttered a soft fake cough, ”You know... raped?” She stood back up and looked at me with feign pity. They all did but they await for my response now.
Ah. So finally they want me to talk?
I just gawked at them, either amazed or just shook how admirably insolent they can be. I would've clapped. I wonder if they genuinely believe saying such things out loud are really helpful because if they do then they must really be fools.
”Disgusting.” I hear a low mutter from behind me, cutting off my train of thoughts. I turned my head over my shoulder and saw Kain's eyes turn dark as he glared at them with a blank stare. He stood just behind me so he heard every chatter they said and even the whisper. ”You should watch your tongues, you old hags. It would be a shame if it suddenly falls off from those pretty little mouths just from talking too much. Better yet your entire head...” He raises one hand and begun to crack his knuckles with a thumb as if bracing himself, and to my surprise I saw his nails growing sharp and long like claws.
”Kain!” I called out. He lifts his eyes at me and saw the same gentle innocent looks in them, as though the growing malice from them just now never happened. He abruptly hides his hand from his behind. ”Yes, Aerra?” his sweet voice returned.
I turned to check at the three ladies but they didn't seem to have fazed at all. I sighed in relief they didn't saw what Kain was doing from behind me.
”Ah. The second prince! We almost forgot you were back there! Forgive us if we sounded rude, your Highness! We mean no harm. Truly!” One of them says in a wry smile. ”So why are you here? I mean, why not the high King himself or the real crowned scion?”
I feel like their going to verbally attack Kain next so I bowed my head before them, ”Excuse us. It has been a nice chat. Have a great night.”
I grabbed Kain's hand and strode out to the terrace
I grabbed Kain's hand and strode out to the terrace. I dragged him towards the baluster railings and made him sit down. ”Kain, I appreciate what you did back there but you mustn't hastily throw thoughtless words! You represent the High throne right now.”
He frowns at me. ”Why are you mad?”
”I'm not mad. I just want you to understand...” I replied. Even if we're almost the same height, Kain is still just a young boy. I don't want anyone verbally attacking him... or him literally attacking anyone. ”Look— I would have done the same for you... and that will certainly get us in trouble! Imagine if I go on arguing with anybody who tries to talk trash against me or my family in a roundabout kind of way? That means I would be arguing with majority of guests here! Do you understand what I mean? I will certainly be angry with them if they start talking bad against you. But this doesn't mean it's an open chance to physically hurt anyone!”
I watch Kain's eyes lit up. He smiles so profoundly even his cheeks are flushing. ”Aerra is so kind” he stated. ”You're scolding me because you're just worried about me”
”I'm asking if you understand?” I rubbed my temples seeing his eyes glitter at me.
”I do!” he nods, still smiling.
”Some of these noble men here seem to take pleasure stepping down on people, especially if they know you're a young vulnerable kid who hail from a much higher noble family than them. Maybe it boosts their ego. And there's nothing we can do about that so we just need to put on our best face. It's pointless to snap and argue, stooping to their level”
Kain nods vehemently. ”We can also play with them, Aerra. If they're like that, then they are a lost cause. Someone told me, we may need to put them in place by reminding them who is on top.”
Both brows raises in surprise, I ask him, ”And who told you that?”
”It doesn't matter. So... what do you think we should do to them? ♪ There are a lot of games to choose from!” he kept his sweet smile but his eyes have a wild look in them. A brewing madness waiting to be unleashed.
Kind of disturbing...
This boy....
”Nothing! We'll do nothing to them!” I sat beside him and grabbed his shoulders, ”Why are you like this, Kain?”
”Why am I what? What do you mean?”
”Why do you talk like you're planning to...” I stopped and reconsidered my next words. ”...to repeat what happened to Kyupo.” The doll he beheaded few years ago.
”I don't understand what you're asking, Aerra.” He replied, making it sound like 'there's nothing wrong with that!'
”Yes, there is” I murmured to myself, sitting properly now with both my hands over my lap. I wonder what happened to Kain that is making him think this way?
”I'll send you lots of dolls if you want?”
”No, Kain. I don't mean it like that”
”Then what do you want, Aerra?” he peeks at my face and blinked his natural imploring eyes. I reach a hand to pat his head.
I wonder if I can make him change for the better? Perhaps if he can spend more time with us, with Aeron and Eriol, and even with Levi— Kain can have a change of heart? He wouldn't end up growing as a twisted cruel boy who likes beheading people.
”Kain, how about you visit us here as often as you can? We can play together with Aeron and Stray?”
He calls Eriol using his former name so I still use that to refer to him when talking with Kain.
Kain lits up, ”I would love that!” He replied, suddenly hugging me. ”I'll come visit every week then!!!”
I gently rubbed his back as he snuggled his head on my shoulder, embracing me a little more tighter but just enough that I can still breath and move. Apparently, he is really overjoyed with the idea. ”Thanks, Aerra!” his words were muffled but I can hear them.
I can after all imagine how gloomy Grantzæl castle is. Kain must be really lonely in there.
Back then, when Greenrun has just been given as a feif to my parents, reigning over it became handful. So much paperworks to be done and problems to be solved. It made our parents so busy. That's why as we grew up, Aeron and I were almost always alone, it has only been just the two of us every single day since. Even servants are too busy to play with us. Maybe that's also the reason why Aeron became somehow wary with other people, aloof, and developed his over protectiveness for me.
But he was able to change that. And now he can greet and talk to people like a proper Lord. He even became dependable too, with friends surrounding him.
And I want Kain to become a better person too. I may have no idea what happened to him but I want to learn more about him as much as he should learn to socialize. I wish he becomes a great kind prince someday.
I gently wrapped my arms around him and pat his head. Patiently waiting for him to let go at his own pace.
And when he did, he lied down and placed his head down on my lap. He beams so sweetly at me as I pat his head; if he could, he might even purr.
He swept his eyes to my side, gazing up behind me and points up above. ”The night sky looks beautiful tonight, look look!!!” I looked up and saw the two moons above us, one is gleaming in a soft golden hue and the other one is white. The stars scattered around them with deep purple lights flowing throughout the night sky. They are beautiful, I thought. ”You can't really see the stars too much back in Grantzæl. You can only see the moons. I wonder why?” he says.
”Maybe because of the City lights? Grantzæl does look majestic at night.” I replied, I took glimpse at him and saw him staring at me instead. I gaze back at the night sky, nonchalantly.
A minute passed before he spoke again, ”You know what... You're the only family I have who carried and hugged me, Aerra. I was so happy back then when you took me up even if that useless maid begged you not to.” He suddenly digresses, I noted.
I looked down at him and he just blinked his slanted downturned eyes, gazing up at me.
The only one?
”How about aunt Lenna?” I asked
He shook his head, ”Not even the high queen. She's not allowed to. I don't know why though. But it doesn't matter. I have you now.” he fumbled his fingers together. ”I'm so happy right now.” He chuckled and smiled some more.
But why?
I still don't understand other traditions and rules inside Grantzæl...
No wonder that nursemaid few years ago looked so shock when I carried Kain up in my arms. It's making sense now.