36 Chapter 10: The Change 10 (1/1)

There were series of passages that spreads out like networks, some leading to a dead end and some stretching out further and into another intersections of tunnels.

I flipped my pocketwatch open, we're running out of time at this rate.

We took few minutes of break then proceeded again. This went on for awhile.

Suddenly, Aerra stops walking.

We all turned to her as she tilted her head a bit. Her eyes, sightlessly gazing in midair.

”What's wrong?” I asked her,

”Three people ahead.” she answered.

Ah. I remembered she has an acute sense in determining sounds.

”Great news then!” Eriol says.

”Aren't you suppose to be an experienced mercenary? Couldn't you sense presences like her as well?” Levi murmured at him.

”Of course I could but where's the fun in that?”

”YOU WHAT?!” I faced him, fuming.