35 Chapter 10: The Change 9 (1/2)

When we got off the airship, we thanked the captain and his crew for one last time and waved goodbye as we watch them disembark until they were out of sight from the skies.

”So what's the plan?” Eriol looks at me, everybody else did.

”We need to first locate this cave and confirm if it's really a shallow one” I replied.

”And if it's not, I assume we will have to explore?” Aerra supplied.

I shook my head, ”Levi is right, we can't underestimate them. Let's simply assume they left traps on both the vicinity where the cave is and more so inside the cave to alert them of intruders. Also there might be look outs. In that case, we just smoke them out and have the fighting outside. I think it's far better than fighting inside such a confined space especially with their numbers, be it a shallow cave or not.” I explained.

Eriol raises his hand, ”I'll go aerial and watch your backs.” He says, pointing up at the tree branches.

I nodded.

Eriol abruptly jumps up, pushing at the ground with his feet as he boosted up and lands to one of the tree branches above us. He gave me one salute with two fingers, sealing it with a wink and his usual trademark smile that seems like a condescending sneer.

”Okay, Let's go!” Aerra says.

”Right! Let's wrap this up before sundown!” I stated, opening the map and began to lead the way.


We went further and deeper to the woods, towards the marked area on the map.

While trying my best to stay vigilant, I can't help but wonder about this cave miss Hysmin speak off. My thoughts waver off from focus as we get closer and closer.

If this proves to be a deep cave then finding resources here might not be impossible! After all, when was the last scout sent to survey our lands for caves? Surely the books about our terrains are outdated, right? This might actually be a ground breaking discovery for our Dukedom. A game changer for all of us!


They really intended to omit and hold the information about caves.

If so, then all the books about our terrains are mendacious.

And just as if Levi read me, he whispered, ”The books about the Greenrun terrains are provided by your uncle, you know that right?”

”What are you insinuating?” I asked him, turning to look back at his eyes that seems as if he's amused I even asked him that.

”Nothing really. Just reminding you about our conversation earlier this morning...” he shrugs.

Rings a bell.

I suddenly remembered that we were indeed talking about published books earlier this morning when we were at the Greenrun castle.

”Screened distribution of books from Grantzæl... That's what we were talking about earlier.” I rolled my eyes, ”Uncle has nothing to hide. Especially not to his own family! I mean why would he restrict us to use our own resources if there is a cave here in Greenrun?”

”Who knows. Better hurry up and see for ourselves, yes?” He says this with this sinister spark in his eyes.

”Seriously, Levi. Are you against the High King?” I blurted out

Levi curves his lips in a crooked smile, ”And why would you even ask such? Is there a reason for me to be against him at all?” The tone sounds like a challenge rather than a question.

”What are you two whispering about?” Aerra halts and turns to face us with both her hands on her hips.

”N-nothing!” I answered in a giddy panic. I marched faster and walked pass her. Returning to focus at the map on my hands.

”What was that about?” I can hear her say from behind me.

”Aeron's just asking me things regarding this cave.” Levi replied. ”What's the matter? Anything you want to ask me as well?”

I can't tell Aerra about these predicaments now.

Not until I proved something.



”The map says it's around here” I stated as I looked around.

There aren't any cave entrance visible however. I can almost see the view of the lake from the slits of the column of trees from ahead.

”No traps around, not even any look outs,” says Eriol, leaping down to join us from one of the tree branches from above us.

”Guys!” Aerra hollers, we all look at her as she sat on her heels to an area that faces the lake from the distance. ”There's a hole here”

We walked towards her and found a dug out hole on the ground.

”This isn't a cave...” I uttered in confusion.

Eriol squats down and throws a stone. ”Sounds like a twenty foot drop. What now?”

I tapped at my chin.

I suppose we should explore a bit.

I can't keep counting on Eriol though...

”I'll go check it out” I answered.

”I'm coming with you!” says Aerra almost immediately.

”No need. I'll just check” I murmured.

She frowns. ”I can handle myself”

”That's not even the issue here!”

But then again, I know it actually is.

I jumped down the hole and was about to summon a ball of lightning to provide light but then I realized there were several torches already lit from ahead with a tunnel that seems to stretch farther and deeper with walls closing in a square shaped passage.

Wait. If this passage keeps going, it will eventually reach the lake.

If it goes on far beyond expected, then does this mean it's an underground lake cave?

But this doesn't seem like a cave though...

Suddenly, I hear a sound of thud from behind me, as if something dropped. I turned around and saw Aerra already walking towards me. ”Woah. A tunnel!” she gasps looking left to right. ”The torches are only lit by that part, huh?” she points at the path ahead of us.

I looked at the path behind us and realized it was pitch black.

She's right.

Only the path ahead is lit.