2 Chapter 1: Beginning (1/1)

I wonder how Risa and Nicole are. I really wished I had the chance to go back and hug them. If I knew then that was my last moment with them I would have stayed a little more and talked to them, thanked them or whatever I can say.

I wonder if they found me after that. I sometimes wonder, what if the person who accidentally killed me then, hid my corpse somewhere to get rid of evidence. And I ended up forlorn in a forest far away from home, decaying. That scary shit dreads me. But then again I have no way knowing. Death is a dead end. How it ends for the body is not part of me anymore. And it sucks. I hope I'm not part of those cold cases.


I snapped and looked at the person who called me. I didn't realize I was spacing out. ”If you're going to be like that, I'll call mama” uttered Aeron. He looked upset but I can tell he is worried. I studied him for a bit as he gave me those cold glare then looked away. He also had those white blonde curls like mama that sometimes has a shade of pink when light hits on them. A fair complexion and a crystaline blue eyes. All resembling mine. It's common sense we would look the same because Aeron is my twin brother, but the fact that our features are unwordly still strikes me— especially now that I regained my old memories from my previous life. I stared sightlessly at the chess board before me in silence unknowingly.

”So are we gonna finish this or what?! Can you just tell me already if you feeling okay or not? You're irksome!” Aeron sat up and glared at me with furious eyes but tears were threatening to roll down. He may seem upset but I recon the concern behind those scowls. He's a tsundere huh? Such an adorable kid.

”I'm fine, brother. You need not worry, I was only trying to plan my next move. We are playing chess after all. Please, sit back down” I say sealing my words with a wide smile to assure him. He sighs, his shoulder eases down, ”Ugly. Stop grinning. Just make a move already I'm getting bored.” He pulls his chair closer and throws himself on it with a loud sigh. ”You'll end up losing anyway”

He is right. I might as well move my queen to end the game. Aeron is a brilliant mind. Even if I have a mind of an 18 year old, I'm still not that good with chess. I don't stand against him. He always win. He's amazing like that.

And so, I looked at my bishop and realized I can check if I moved it but I hovered my hand over my queen chess piece instead and was about to touch it when Aeron suddenly laughs, ”You will never win, you know why? Because you never learn, you dimwit!”

You son of a—! ...I was being nice!

I changed my mind. I will beat you! I moved my bishop instead and yelled ”Check! You're turn, brother!”

His face looks surprised. His eyes scans, reanalyzing everything on the board. ”You cheat! You moved my game when I wasn't looking!” He says, slamming his hands over the table.

”No, that's just you nearing the end of your game. Now shut up and play”

He looked at me surprised. I suppose I never talked against him before. I was meek and well behaved. ”Move and let's get this over with! I am getting bored, dimwit” I murmured with a contented smile. His priceless expression makes me wish I have a camera to take his picture.

Even in my previous life, I hated losing. Especially when someone is mocking me. I am competitive that way. Although, I do wonder what's the help of me having this mind of an 18 year old inside a body of this eight year old me in this world. Everything seems medieval. Not like McArthur, more like a land of fantasy and disney land fairytale.

I watch Aeron grit his teeth as he melts the chess with his intense glare. Obviously trying to plan strategistically how to over throw me the worst possible way. I could've sworn I feel his burning aura if that was possible... I look beyond the window where the garden spreads vast, breaming with flowers and lush greenery. And scattered hovering are balls of water that minutely sprays the plants. And what looks like butterflies glows warmly in sapphire blue, leaving trails of mirage like hue as they fly around as if underwater, all together they ornate the beautiful scene. And rolling by were the fluffy white clouds underneath the open blue sky where two moons can be seen.

Indeed, I wonder, what is the use of regaining my previous life memories in this mystical land?

I suppose I would know soon.

———End of Chapter One———