1 Prologue (1/2)


”He was soon borne away by the waves and lost in darkness and distance.”

-Frankenstein, Mary Shelley


It was one of those stormy days....

Me and bestfriends, Risa and Nicole, forgot our umbrellas so we just stood by the main building's covered patio.

The storm was too strong that day that even peering through the curtains of rain seemed like an impossible task.

All you can hear was the rush of raindrops against the pavements, dropping incessantly and wildly against the howling wind that rushes by minutely.

It all looked like fogged for me that covered the entire view of the campus. Everything was hazy on sight... no, not even hazy— it was more like just a blurred white vision from the down pouring and relentless rain drops.

”I called my mom but she can't leave out soon. Sorry guys, I tried” says Risa, as she walked towards us. She just hanged up from her phone.

”I doubt my parents will pick me up so might as well wait for your mom” replied Nicole in exasperation.

”Same here” I said in defeat.

My parents are workaholics, I doubt they will pick me up just because of a storm.

Work goes first because it brings food to the table, so it seems. Especially for mom...

That's true though, I thought to myself as I gaze sightlessly at the campus.

”The rain—!” I began, as I turned to look at my best friends, ”...is just water anyway! So... I'm going in first. Bye guys!” I said with a wave and then took off without looking back.

I don't want to see or hear their reaction against me, charging head on to the storm,because I very well know they will. But I figured if we all stayed there, we might be stranded for several more hours.

Classes ended two hours ago and we were stranded there ever since. Unlike them, my house is just near by. I can simply go back home and then return here to bring them umbrellas, yeah that's a good plan. That way, they will forgive me for leaving them like that!

And so...

I went on sprinting against the heavy pouring rain.

In a distance, as I emerged further and further to the vague scenery of the campus before me, I can hear them calling my name.

I went running incessantly.

Going on and on to what I think is the right way towards the gate and out to the streets.

All I can here now is the deafening noise of the wind brushing pass my ears like sounds of plastic being crumpled. That and the sound of my panting breath as I gasp for air with open mouth.

I squint my eyes to peer through my path—

Suddenly a ragging honk emitted on my side.

I stopped dead in my tracks and end up staring to two bright lights heading toward my way.

The ringing of my heartbeat against my ear races.

My breath snagged

and I was frozen in place.

Everything went slow for a second

and then

suddenly went black.

All the sounds ended

and all was silent.

