4 4 months later… (1/1)

I'm finally prepared to take the U.A. entrance exam and finally take the first step in becoming a great hero.I rush out of the house and head to the examination site.I approach the school only to recognize some familiar faces.Mineta, Bakugo, and Sero were all heading toward the examination room.I go to my assigned seat and take the test.Honestly with my knowledge plus Denki's I should be able to pass with flying colors.After the test, I head to the practical portion of the exam where Present Mic starts explaining the rules like he did in the anime.He explains that the Villain Bot is worth a certain amount of points, which are assigned to the Bots according to their difficulty level:

1 Point - Easy Villains

2 Points - Medium Villains

3 Points - Hard Villains

0 Points - Arena Traps

He yells ”BEGIN” and I rush forward.I channel my electricity through my body so that I can drastically improve my speed.Jumping from building to building at lightning speeds.Though I may be fast I'm not at the level where I can move to places in the blink of an eye.While running I shoot out my blue lightning to any bots I see while trying to help anybody that seemed to be in danger.Racking up points after points.Understanding how were being graded and knowing what to do is an overwhelming advantage over my soon to be classmates. I have to wonder though if my being here will change how the story is supposed to go.I don't even understand how or why Denki was chosen to be the body I reincarnated into.Thankfully, the giant robot didn't fall on anyone in my testing room.I left the testing room feeling completely confident in joining U.A.

As I strolled home, I encountered a group of thugs that seemed to be kidnapping a little girl.They were taking her to the end of a dark alley.She was a small girl with long purple hair.She seems unconscious but I have no idea if it was because of their quirk.It would be foolish to fight them head on especially since its against the law without a license.I hid behind some trash cans and started to observe the situation.I watched as a man with a snake head dropped the girl on the ground.He immediately said to the other men to steal what the boss asked for before disappearing into thin air with a muscular man.There was just two men left to get the job done.I decided to listen to them a bit before making my move.

Thug #1: ”The boss always wants us to do the dirty work while he gets to relax at HQ.”

Thug #2: ”Well, if we had his knowledge and skill, then we wouldn't be stuck doing these jobs in the first place.At least it pays well if nothing else.”

Thug #1: ”Why did the boss want this girl anyway? I see nothing special about her”

Thug #2: ”It's not about her quirk specifically, but what we may be able to create by combining her quirk with something else. Now we don't have much time, so lets move her and get the job done.”

I take this opportunity to jump in and steal the girl.I activated my quirk and was able to speed away to safety.Those thugs must have been quirkless since they didn't even lift a finger to stop me.When I got somewhere safe, I undid the rope and was met with an adorable little girl that looks strangely familiar.

”Hey! Wake up!”

I shake the girl roughly to wake her up.Apparently that was a mistake as she immediately activated her quirk and screamed at me.It seemed like her quirk amplified the sound because I was sent flying into a nearby wall.

Denki: ”What the hell? I saved you from being kidnapped and this is how you repay me.”

???: ”I do remember being knocked out, but before that everything is a blur and is unclear to me. I'm sorry I reacted so strongly mister.”

Denki: Please just call me Denki.

???: Well Denki, my name is Kyoka Jiro.

Jiro. Jiro. Why does that name sound familiar.Oh, its because there was another girl named Jiro at U.A., but wasn't she an only child.Its probably better that I don't meet her just yet.Don't want to screw with the fabrics of the universe any more than I have to.I'll just make sure she gets home and go on my way.

What the young hero didn't know what that the little girl shared her story with her family and her sister was already keen on finding him one day to thank him.