3 Ever so slightly… (1/1)

A tall middle-aged man with short blonde hair came into the room.From my memories I could tell it was my father Inja Kaminari.

”Denki, you need to train harder if you want to get into U.A. It's not easy to get into a school like that, but with your quirk you may have a chance of accomplishing something I never could. If your mother was still with us, then she would tell you the same thing.”

It seemed that I've landed at a point before Denki joined U.A., but what's strange is that the original Denki is far too laid back for my taste.At least now that I'm in control a few things will certainly be changing for the better.As I was lost in thought, my dad started speaking again.

”Remember Denki that we have a training room in the basement that was made to withstand powerful quirks like yours.Use it and don't neglect the resources that you've been blessed with.”

Inja slams the door and starts walking downstairs.I search through his memories to find everything about myself and this family.My dad is an electrician while my mom was a professional hero when she was alive.Her hero name was Shocker, but as hard as I look I can't remember ever hearing about her on the news.Whatever.I remember that we had a two-story house with about 8 rooms in it excluding the basement.I walk down the stairs and head toward the basement.I'm presented with a wide spacious room that filled with training equipment.It even has a lightning rod to channel my electricity to the rest of the house. Though I do have the power to turn it on or off. Now let's try out my power.I relax and clear my mind.I use the hosts memories to tap into the power inside me.

10,000 Volts Discharge

I could feel the electricity course through my body and as I release it into the training room.The electricity then changes directions and flows into the lightning rod.Nice. What's even nicer is the

fact that I sensed three different types of lightning dwelling in my body.Though it seems that even though I can sense three, I can only control two of them.Let's try the other power.

I channel the blue lightning in my body and shoot it out just like I did before.Except that I could feel more control over where I wanted it to go.Unlike the yellow lightning that hits everything and everyone.From what I can tell though the blue lightning does lack power compared to its yellow counterpart.I'll have to find a balance between using both in battle.

Now I just need to check if I have that horrible weakness of getting completely stupid if I use my full power.

Indiscriminate Discharge 1,300,000 volts

Well I'm not stupid, but way too tired.I'll have to improve my stamina if I want to use so much power.I think I'll call it a day and train tomorrow.

I'll have to train my body and my mind in preparation for U.A.