43 Library of Mages 4 (2/2)
An hour and a half later I was able to keep it under control while not seeing for a longer time. But there was no more time for me to practice now, the seals class starts soon, so I left.
When I found the class, to my surprise, I saw someone I was already familiar with. 27!It turns out he is the teacher of seals class. I approached him, and when he saw it was me, there was a slight trace of panic on his face.
”Dominique, what are you doing here?”
”I want to study seals of course.” Some part of me wanted to ask him about the Library of Mages, just to see if will run away again. But I couldn't do that to him. 27 seemed to be slaking off, as the class was reading on their own, or working on some blueprints. He was just sitting behind the desk with his feet up.
”Really? Why?”
”Curiosity. I had some contact with seals, so I wanted to learn more. Maybe I could use them somehow to supplement my fighting style.”
”Why would you do that? Ah! Right…” 27 doesn't seem to have the best memory. Or he just can't be bothered to remember anything. ”Give me a second.” He said as he started going through the drawers in his desk.
He took out a piece of paper and passed it to me. ”This is the most basic seal, at the end of the classroom, you will find Instaurare Core's as well as basic manuals about forming seals. Since you are in S class, I don't think you need me to help you right?”
He was just lazy. Not saying else I grabbed the manual, Instaurare Core and sat down in an empty spot.
The manual talked about forming seals, comparing it to making machinery, with elemental essence as the fuel. You would use elemental essence to build 'cables' that will conduct the elemental essence, to fuel different constructs.
In my case, I couldn't make cables with my soul essence, but what I could do, is to make a 'pipe.' Looking at the blueprint for the 'most basic seal' I saw how I would need to rework a part of its network to make it work.
I believed it should be possible for me to complete the task, so first I tried to charge the Instaurare Core. It was a success. Next, I tried to build the part of the seal that will minimize the rest of the seal so it will fit into the Instaurare Core for storage.
Following the blueprints, I created the different pieces and connected them to the Instaurare Core, and as the soul essence form it supported them, I didn't have to hurry. Instaurare Core could fit massive amounts of soul essence, so if it is just sustaining the parts, it could probably work for a few days.
The way I build the parts was very simple, first I would meticulously shape the part using transformation, then separate it and attach to the rest of the parts. This way I finished the first part of the seal that will store the seal inside the Instaurare Core.
With anticipation, I activated it and observed the results. The bright soul image surrounding the Instaurare Core started to contract until it was no longer visible inside the Instaurare Core. I picked it up and focused on the inside trying to feel my soul essence.
Everything I built was now swimming in the see of soul essence, not needing any more power, held together by the power of the seal, it was not draining any more soul essence.
But I knew that if the soul essence that it was swimming in disappeared, the construct I created would disappear.
”That's not hard to fix, you just need to make a secondary section that will hold the seal, while the rest will fuel the seal.” 27 appeared behind me and said. He was looking over my shoulder and starring at the Instaurare Core in my hand.