37 Grey Rock Tribe 1 (2/2)

The Three Realms Jamison_C 33780K 2022-07-22

Johan suggested that they pick up their pace to the contested lands.

Tarin and Calvus spoke against it, citing that to rush would be to have more openings. Especially dangerous if a beast of high intellect is to command the next beast attack.

Denter appeared as if he wanted to speak but kept his peace after Tarin and Calvus shared their reasonings.

”Councilors, we will be entering the territory of three barbarian tribes soon. They are fairly large tribes. Please be on alert. Our patrols will be increased accordingly.” Aureus said as the conversations died down. ”We will not be increasing our pace. That is final.”

The council bowed towards Aureus before making their way out of the tent.

The next day, as the Aureus army stopped for a lunch break , two scouts can be seen hurrying back from the distance.

Aureus spotted the two scouts approaching and signaled his command group to receive the scouts.

The mood instantly electrified as the group caught sight of the scouts approach.

Tarin and Johan immediately took up positions to Aureus's left and right while the rest arrayed themselves around Aureus.

”Highness, we bear urgent news! One of the barbarian tribes, The Red Skull tribe was wiped out. All indications point towards the demon beast horde!”

If a pin dropped, it could be heard as the command group digested the information.

”Highness, it would appear that the destruction of the tribe was as recent as last night!”

Mutterings broke out amongst the gathered.

”Johan, send out two scouting parties in the direction of the Grey Rock and Blue River tribes. Warn the tribes and have the rides bring additional mounts so that we can gain the fastest update.” Aureus ordered. ”Tarin, have the army pick up the pace. I wish to reach the vicinity of the Grey Rock tribe by tomorrow morning.”

Johan and Tarin saluted before speeding out on their steeds.

”The break for lunch in hereby cut in half, have the troops prepared.”

The remaining personnel saluted Aureus before disbanding.

The sky was turning dark as the first scouts returned. They came bearing news that the Blue River tribe had moved into the forts of the Grey Rock tribe and that the latter was currently besieged by hordes of demon beasts.

”The defensive strength of the Grey Rock Tribe is unknown, your highness.” The scouts reported. ”We could not get close enough to determine, however, we were able to confirm a large volume of people have recently moved towards the Grey Rock forts.”

As Aureus considered the thought of hurrying to the barbarians aid, his aether core pulsed in tandem.

”Give out the order, the Aureus army will march throughout the night.”

As the Aureus army neared the Grey Rock Tribe, the demon army as if sensing a mortal approaching started to retreat in full.

This caused many brows to be raised amongst the rank and file of the Aureus Army, but many officers to frown especially the ones closest to Aureus.

Tarin and Calvus shared a look before the former ventured to Aureus about how the maneuver stinks like a week long carcass. If they were bogged down with defending the barbarian tribe, they could easily find themselves surrounded by multiple demon hordes.

Aureus nodded before ordering the fast riding companies to chase after the retreating hordes and to garner as many kills as possible.

The tribe leaders of the Grey Rock Tribe and Blue River tribe came out with a group of what appeared to be tribe leaders to greet the Aureus Army. When they were made aware that the one leading the army was Prince Aureus himself, the group visibly tightened. Relations have never been cordial between the superpowers and the barbarian tribes. Nevertheless, the tribe leader of the Grey Rock tribe stepped forward gamely and introduced himself as the leader of the barbarian delegation and requested for Prince Aureus to present himself.

Needless to say, such a suggestion did not sit well with the Aureus army as evidenced by the mutterings from the troops closest to the barbarian group. Aureus rode forth and raised his arm in the direction of his army and the troops immediately quietened. Aureus dismounted and walked up to the barbarian group while his usual guard stood back.

As he neared the group , he released a commanding aura that bore down heavily on everyone present. The barbarian group which was closest were forced to buckle their knees except a few while the Aureus army behind began cheering in a rousing manner as Aureus flared his aura. Many officers looked on in approval at this display. Clearly, there was not much love lost between the two groups.