37 Grey Rock Tribe 1 (1/2)
The stars littered the sky into an intricate tapestry on the eve of Aureus's departure for the Arctine Ranges.
The assembled army was camped onto the outskirts of Everdawn.
In the command tent, Aureus and his inner council broke into small groups to discuss the various last minute issues facing their departure.
Brandon and Aureus were in animated discussion at the center of the tent.
”Brandon, the governor's seal is yours for the duration of my departure. In the event that I do not return, you will be the permanent governor.” Aureus said as his eyes glowed faintly.
”Understood. Do your best to return. I have no wish to carry such a heavy responsibility for such a long time.” Brandon replied with a smile.
”Always, my dear Brandon. Always.”
The timekeeper nodded to the flag bearer.
A moment later, the banner of Prince's Aureus soared towards the unlit skies.
As the banner went up, the troops began a slow march in the direction of the uncontested lands.
Aureus opted for a silent departure as he had no wish to disrupt the everyday life of the Everdawn citizens. Musing the noise would only be detrimental to the city. Besides, rumors of his departure had been sweeping the city. Only the blind and deaf had no idea he was embarking on an expedition.
Several days later, Johan and Edward were bearing down on a particularly large bear demon beast from opposite directions. Edward reached the beast first and his blade glowed as he swung a heavy overhead blow which forced the bear to block with both paws. The blade sunk deep and the bear roared his fury.
Just as the bear wanted to snap his jaws at Edward, a black glaive protruded from the bear's chest and silver gleamed amidst crimson. The bear roared his anger at the skies for the last time as it collapsed to the ground.
Johan extracted his glaive from the bear and rode up to Edward with a grin that stretched from ear to ear.
”Edward, the credit for the killing blow. No arguments,eh. It is mine,” Johan said as he grinned.
Edward felt that grin to have a particular sinister cast to it. ”I mean, if your conscience allows it. Why not?”
The grin on Johan's face dimmed a little as he gave a theatrical sigh.
”This is the seventh beast horde we have faced in as many days. All signs are pointing to a huge global beast tide forming. This is worrying, especially when you consider this in tandem with Calvus's report.”
The mood turned sombre as the two turned their steeds in the direction of the camp.
”Highness, Lords Johan and Edward had successfully eradicated the beast horde led by the demon bear!” a messenger reported as he entered the command tent.
Aureus nodded and dismissed the messenger as he turned his gaze onto the map on the table.
”As expected of Johan and Edward, they make a good combination.” Tarin said as he made several notations on the map.
Aureus examined the various notations as he agreed.
”We will be passing by the territory of the barbarian tribes soon. Let us increase our patrols,” Aureus said.
As Calvus and Denter returned with the mages from their respective flanking and cordoning maneuver in support of Johan and Tarin's move on the demon horde, their expressions were rather grim.
There was a distinct lack of levity in the command tent as Aureus's inner council gathered.
It was agreed unanimously that the scale of beast tide invasions is likely to exceed all previous forecast.
Even Aureus had a line creasing through his forehead.