25 Chapter 25 - Day 3 (1/2)

Maxwell is heaving as he breathes in anger over the whole situation.

'How did this happen? Ever since that girl showed everything has been messed up!' He grabs his hair before breathing hard to calm himself down.

A few minutes later he looks up with his normal expression except there is a glint of maliciousness inside of them now.

”Anderson, I believe we have been lacking in our rebuttals to this harassment. First thing tomorrow I'm going to That who-. Ahem, Sir Integra's office and demanding her to stop that girl from further actions.”

”Why can't we just kill her Maxwell? She is clearly the instigator.”

”I wish we could, unfortunately one of the clauses of this deal is that unless physically provoked we're not allowed to attack. All this girl has been doing is mind games.” He pauses.

”I have to admit that she is very good at it.”

”That's ridiculous.”

”I know, but if we have it out with them we need a reason. Being annoyed is definitely not a good one.”

”Fine. But I still say we should just get his over with.” Anderson disappears after saying so.

'Me too, father. Me too.' Maxwell thinks to himself before going to bed.

While the Vatican members are going to bed, seras is talking to Alucard in their room.

”Now Police Girl, How should I punish you for disobeying me?”

”I'm sorry master, I just wanted Sir Integra to like me again.” Seras starts to tear up.

”That's no excuse! You have disobeyed your master and you need to be punished!” Alucard yells.

'I-I'm So-sorry master.” She tries to not cry and is failing miserably.

Alucard looks at seras crying and his anger lessens a little.

”I'm just worried seras. You are still so young and you have gained this power.”

Seras looks up at him and doesn't say anything.

”I won't punish you if you swear that you will not use that teleportation ability unless your life is in danger.”

”I swear master. I won't do it again.”

”Good. Now about your training.”

”Yes!” Her expression perks up at the mention of that.

”I have decided that we will start doing it tomorrow night.”

”YES! Thank you so much master!” She tries to hug him but he moves out of the way.

”.....” he looks on as she comically falls down onto her face.

”Why did you move?” She speaks with her face still on the floor.

”I don't do hugs.” He says while walking to his throne and sitting on it.

Seras portals her way to her bed and pouts to herself.

'We shall see master.' She thinks to herself hoping he doesn't hear.

The next day, the Iscariots are finally starting their search of the Mansion. Maxwell is showing a smile at the thought of finding information about the seals.

'Let's see that bimbo try to annoy me when I find out how to seal away her master forever.'

As Maxwell is thinking of this he passes by multiple Hellsing soldiers on the way to Sir Integra's office. When he arrived he flinches as he sees Seras waiting in front of the office doors.

”Oh Bishop Maxwell, how are you feeling today?' Seras asks with a knowing smile.

”I'm very well, thank you for asking Miss Victoria.” He smiles back.

”You're very welcome. Unlike some people, I have manners.”

Maxwell doesn't say anything to the unsaid comment from her statement. He stews in silence until seras speaks up.

”So Why are you looking for Sir Integra?”

”Unfortunately I cant tell you. I have to keep it a secret.”

”I see. So it doesn't have anything to do with my Master's seals? That's good to know.”

At her statement, Maxwell starts to tremble before turning his head to her slowly. His face is slacked open in horror.

”That's a nice face to have on you Bishop. Don't worry though, I haven't said anything to anyone. I don't want to ruin my fun.”

Seras continues to look at Maxwell who's face is twitching before she speaks again.

”Oh yeah, you might want to knock on the door. I just wanted to see your face when I told you. Have a good day.” Seras disappears into her portal through the floor.

When seras is gone Maxwell is left standing in the hallway. His face is twitching from surprise, to horror, and finally to anger.

'Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! DAMN! DAMN!' He keeps cursing mentally until he calms himself down.

He breathes in and out for a few minutes before knocking on the door.

”Come in.” Integra's authoritative voice sounds out.

Maxwell opens the door to find Integra staring at him with an annoyed look.

”That's not very nice sir Integra. I've come to inform you that our search is beginning today.” Maxwell gives his typical shit smile while saying so.

”I see. Then be off with you and leave me in peace.” She waves him off before going back to her papers.

Maxwell's expression falters when he coughs awkwardly before speaking again.

”Actually I have come to ask you to stop Ms. Victoria from harassing myself and the others.”

”Harassing? What do you mean? I have specifically ordered them not to.”

'I see, so that letter was a lie. She didn't allow her to attack us.'

”She has been leaving threatening letters for the past couple days and I'm afraid Anderson is getting quite irritated at her. I'm afraid she'll be in danger if this goes on.”

”Oh? What letters?”

”These.” Maxwell hands her the letters that seras has written.

As Integra reads them she starts trembling and when she gets down with the last one, she begins to cough a little.

'Wow, she must be very angry that that bimbo has gone against orders.' Maxwell smiles triumphantly at this.

'This is the funniest stuff I have ever read. Oh my god, seras you have outdone yourself this time.' Integra thinks to herself.

A few seconds of fake coughing later, she calms down so she doesn't laugh out loud and gives a serious look.

”Don't worry Bishop. I'll have a talk with her tonight, she will stop doing this. You have my word.”

”Thank you for your understanding. I'll be off searching the mansion for contraband.” Maxwell smiles arrogantly before leaving.

A few minutes later, Integra laughs so loud that Walter, Who is almost at the door barges in. He closes the door behind him when he doesn't see anything out of sorts except Integra laughing.

She keeps doing so for a few minutes and her laughter turns into chuckling before stopping completely.

”Sir? What is so funny?”

”Oh Walter, Maxwell was just here and you have to read these.” Integra hands him the papers whiles still smiling.

Walter has the same reaction as Integra while reading the letters and he starts to laugh a little before calming down.

”It's too bad Alucard has denied seras of blood. I would have given her extra for doing this.

”True. I only wish I was there when they got them.” She chuckles again.

After Maxwell left Integra's office, He goes back to the Iscariot's meeting room where the rest are waiting.

”How did it go Bishop?” Yumie ask.

”It went as expected. The English sow had no idea that her pet was doing such actions. She has promised to tell the blonde bimbo to stop.” Maxwell's insults are flowing freely now that he has a guarantee.

”How can you expect Protestants to keep their word Maxwell!?” Anderson yells.