Chapter 678 - Vol 9: Ch 678 – The Jun – Din Villa and the Coffee Shop (1/2)
Few months since then and 20 months to be exact [from August to April], the Jun-Din Villa and the Coffee Shop are now standing tall and firm on the ground that officially owned by the couple which Lewis finished the project earlier than his proposal plan to Rei.
Early morning, Rei received a call from Lewis but it's not from him since Liliana is the one talking.
Ring, ring, and ring
”Yes and hello Mr. Lewis”
”Miss Rei it's me Liliana and I'm calling you now to inform you that the villa along with the coffee shop is already finished.”
”Oh, I see, and...” Rei didn't finish since she heard the couple's conversation.
”Geez Liliana and why are you the one informing instead of me, huh?”
”Ha, ha, ha and that's because I want Miss Rei to pay the other half so that the two of us can have a vacation for one month, okay?”
Didn't reply to his woman and instead, he just retrieves his phone from her then right away talking to Rei. ”Sorry for that Mrs. Jun and just what Liliana said it's now finished. Everything you instruct is already done and same with the decorations, appliances, furniture's and fixtures are already there as per your instructions and so as what we agreed before, you will check first if everything is there before paying the other half and so may I asks what's your available time, Mrs. Jun?”
”I see and let me check my schedules first”
”Yes and go ahead, Mrs. Jun”
Rei already checking her schedules and then inform Lewis ”I'm busy with this week but I can be free after working hours but then it will be late for me then and so it's alright for us to meet this coming Sunday around 10 am?”
”Noted Mrs. Jun and let's meet around 10 am. If it's alright with you, can I give you the Statement of Account on the same day since Liliana has been gesturing me about the other half”
”Ha, ha, ha, I see and yes you can”
”Thank you, Mrs. Jun”
”You're welcome Mr. Lewis”
===== End of call =====
After hanging up the phone, Lewis said to his woman right away, ”geez Liliana you're unbelievable and you are talking to Mrs. Jun, your employer okay?”
”Hai, hai I know and that's the reason why I will be with myself because it's Miss Rei I'm talking to if not then I'm already a bystander now if I'm talking or chatting that one to my main employer”
”I know, I know, so who is your main employer, and what's your job to Mrs. Jun, really?”
”Ha, ha, ha, told you that you will only know everything about me after getting married to me so patience Mr. Lewis and just wait for that day to arrive, okay?”
”Yeah I know ” he replied while at the same time raising up from the bed. [The two are currently sleeping in his office bedroom since he had another project to do so.]
”Eh, where are you going?”
”Finalizing the billing of Mrs. Jun, okay?”
”Oh, I see” then also rising up from the bed without minding that she didn't wear anything and Lewis automatically wrapping her up.
”Geez, I already told you to cover yourself up”
”Nah, I don't mind”
”Yeah I know but I mind it because what if someone suddenly entering the office then, huh?”
”Hai, hai” then both of them leave the bedroom and go to his office beyond next door. After sitting in his office chairs Lewis is working right away while Liliana prepares coffee for herself and tea for Lewis.
”You're welcome” then she leans on to her man.
[L. Go Company Architects and Designs
A. The Jun-Din Villa Costing
2. Siteworks and Earthworks [Excavation, Backfilling, Compaction, Layout, Staking and Gravel Base].......................................….156,725.16
3. Concrete Works [Isolated Footing, Exterior Strip Footing, Interior Strip Footing, Slab on Fill, Column, Beam, Stairs, Suspended Floor Slab, Concrete Wall, Counter, Electrical Post, Septic Tank and Catch Basin].........…..........................….751,782.91
4. Reinforcement [Isolated Footing, Exterior Strip Footing, Interior Strip Footing, Slab on Fill, Column, Beam, Stairs, Suspended Floor Slab, Concrete Wall, Wall Opening, Counter, Electrical Post, Septic Tank, Catch Basin, G.I. Wire]...….....................…....815,731.98
5. Formworks [Column, Beam, Stairs, Suspended Floor Slab, Concrete Wall, Counter, Electrical Post, Septic Tank]..................................…..509,183.78
6. Masonry [Retouch, Floor Topping, Window, Door Sill and Canopy]…...........208,707.70