66 Day 65: The Scum Is Blamed (1/2)
Newfound Sect.
”It'll take a week at most before they could reach here since they're going to march their way in.” Mu Xin said and yawned. He just woke up.
After the Newfound Land and Newfound Sect has been attacked, and also after Chen Shen and Wen Yan came back from the YuLing Village, Mu Xin's suspicions towards his father grew. Well, his suspicions never faded, anyway.
And so he finally confronted his father. Just as he expected, it was really his father that's the one behind everything that's happening.
From 15 years ago in YuLing, up to lately when the Newfound Land and Newfound Sect has been attacked. Mu Jie's the one controlling Xi Peng (in YuLing Village case) and Li Shan (in Newfound Land and Sect case).
And just as Mu Xin expected, Mu Jie's going to kill him, even if he's his son.
After the confrontation between the father and son, Wen Yan and Chen Shen arrived to save Mu Xin and they fled. Mu Jie let them escape until they reached their dead end, literally.
But, since Wen Yan and Chen Shen, had an idea that Chen Sheng/Hou Sheng's watching them after they met with him in Newfound Land, they just went with the flow.
Sure enough, help arrived for the three of them.
”So the one who acted as Lan back then...” Fang Wen said, referring to the time when their sect and the Newfound Land was attacked.
”Yes.” Wen Yan answered. ”It was Li Shan.” He told them.
”Then why did you say it was Yu Sheng?” Feng Mo asked.
Wen Yan turned to him. ”It's easier to use an already enemy than use a long – term comrade.” He answered. ”But... we never said it was Yu Sheng.” He said. ”We don't even know the guy.” He added.
Xi Ling frowned while Fei Lin's smiling face went blank. Wen Yan ignored them.
”If you knew that someone's sneaking around our sect, then why didn't you tell us?” this time, it was Li Tian who asked.
”How can we?”
They all turned. It was Chen Shen.
”We're – I mean, Brother Wen is a demonic cultivator. I am affiliated with the Demonic Sect.” he answered. ”Also... I'm living in hiding for 15 years, since...” he said, didn't continue.
Silence fell. They all now knew that Chen Sheng used Chen Shen's identity.
Li Tian looked at Chen Shen awkwardly, then uttered an apology. Chen Shen just forced a smile, then didn't speak.
Wen Yan continued. ”We also can't tell you since Li Shan is levels higher than Brother Shen and I.” he said. ”Also, us telling you might alert him.” he added.
Another silence fell the group. They looked at Chen Sheng who's talking with Lei Ling outside, laughing.
The scene looks peaceful but they knew it's far from that. All of the Demonic Sect will be gathering here in a week to take Chen Sheng.
”Brother Li.” Feng Mo called.
Li Tian looked at him.
”Isn't Li Shan your uncle?” he asked.
Li Tian nodded. ”Yes.” He answered.
Feng Mo's forehead knotted. ”Surely Li Shan would know where're Brother Li's parents?” he asked, referring to Li Tian as an orphan. He just remembered this to ask, since it's been busy lately.
Li Tian's eyes went wide, then he forced a smile. ”Seems that I don't have a chance to ask him now.” he answered. ”And... my parents are already dead.” He added.
Feng Mo's eyes went wide. ”S – sorry, Brother Li.” he said, then lowered his head.
Li Tian just smiled and didn't speak anymore. Another silence fell.
”Tian...” Chen Han called to his wife.
Li Tian looked at him, then smiled. Chen Han smiled back, then rested Li Tian's head on his shoulder.
Feng Mo grimaced. I hope Wu Bai's here, too... he thought, then his face went red when he remembered they kissed. He lowered his red face.
Wu Yuan, who's as silent as a mountain, broke the silence. ”Won't we tell him about this?” he asked.
Nobody answered. They knew who and what Wu Yuan is referring. Chen Sheng, and it's about Chen Sheng's identity, and his origin – BaiLong Continent.
They just quietly looked at Chen Sheng who's smiling brightly. Their heart that went cold because of the impending danger warmed as they look at his smile that's full of life and innocence.
Yes. They still haven't told Chen Sheng who he really is. Why?
When Chen Sheng accidentally entered the cave and accidentally fell on the Spring of Retribution, the spring accidentally turned on his 'switch' (another personality). Everybody had their suspicion that time (except Li Tian, Feng Mo and Chen Han) that something in Chen Sheng changed.
They confirmed their suspicion when Chen Sheng's group went to YuLing Village. Chen Sheng showed signs that he is aware of Yu Sheng, where Chen Sheng is a 'part' of Yu Sheng's soul.
But, another event happened that led Chen Sheng's attitude to change again. Well... change back.
After Yu Sheng tried to take back 'his' soul – that is Chen Sheng, he failed. Chen Sheng's soul, having gained awareness, came back to Chen Shen's body and he woke up.
But, he woke up and only has his memories of before he entered the Spring of Retribution. After that, there's no more...
”We shouldn't.” it was Xie Lan.
They all looked at him.
”Sheng – er already suffered so much. Not only 8 years ago, but also...” he said, then looked at Chen Shen.
Chen Shen lowered his head. They looked at him, full of pity. Like Chen Sheng, who borrowed his body, Chen Shen also suffered with that fact.
Xie Lan sighed and waved his hand, dismissing the thought. Fang Wen shook his head.
”Brother Chen's problems rooted from Yu Sheng.” Feng Mo said, then looked at Fei Lin and Xi Ling.
They all fell silent. Since Chen Sheng is from BaiLong, and so Yu Sheng is.
”Sheng – ge is not a problem now.” Xi Ling said, defending the person that's not here. ”In fact, he also has his sufferings.” He said.
Silence fell. They now all aware that Yu Sheng was just framed by Xi Peng, who they presumed is now dead.
”Sheng – ge's problems came from the Demonic Sect.” Xi Ling said and glared at Mu Xin, Chen Shen and Wen Yan.
Wen Yan's face is blank. Mu Xin just raised his brows.
Chen Shen frowned. ”First of all, we don't even know of your Sheng – ge.” He said, frowning at Xi Ling. ”Not us, nor Mu Jie.” He added. ”But yes, we admit that we, Demonic Sect... well, actually, it's just Mu Jie who's at fault – ” he muttered, pissed.
They all grimaced.
”But, hey. Didn't all of these started because of Chen Sheng?” he asked, then looked at Chen Sheng outside.
Everybody looked at Chen Sheng outside.
”Don't you dare blame our Brother Chen!” Feng Mo said, frowning, as he glared at Chen Shen. Li Tian's expression isn't better, too.
Chen Shen raised his brows. ”I'm just telling the truth – ” he said.
”If Brother Chen didn't salvage your body, do you think you still have a body to return to?”
Everybody turned and saw it was Fei Yin who spoke. Chen Shen's eyes narrowed. They all fell silent.
Fei Yin continued. ”Because he saved your soulless body, he suffered great humiliation for not advancing in his cultivation.” He told Chen Shen.
Chen Shen gritted his teeth. ”The level of cultivation is based on the soul – ” he said.
”You say that now?” Fei Yin asked. Chen Shen shut up.
True. Everybody thought. Chen Sheng, coming from BaiLong that's rich in qi, his soul should be rich in qi.
Since Chen Sheng haven't used up all of his power, then aside from his memories of BaiLong missing, Chen Shen's body must be restricting Chen Sheng from using his power, too.
”I think you're all missing the big picture here.”
They turned. It was Mu Xin. He's defending his lover.
”What do you mean?” Fei Yin asked, his face dark.
Mu Xin turned to him. ”Shouldn't we ask...” he said. ”... why is he (Chen Sheng) here in the first place?” he asked.
”Isn't it because of Yu Sheng?” Sun Yi asked. He and Wu Yuan had been silent since earlier, which is surprising in Sun Yi's case.
Mu Xin turned to him. ”Then – ” he said. ” – why is Yu Sheng here?” he asked. ”BaiLong is a continent rich in qi. Why should he leave there and go here?” he said.
A deafening silence fell. After a few seconds, their gaze landed on Xi Ling – Yu Sheng's adoptive brother.
Xi Ling's face was covered in dark lines. ”I...” he said, then gulped. ”Why the hell did all these fell on me...? I'm innocent...” he muttered, obviously complaining.
Fei Lin grimaced and patted his lover's back, consoling him.
They all looked at each other, a sudden realization hit them all. Seems like the peaceful BaiLong isn't peaceful at all.
Just what could disturb its peace?
Upright Sect.
The elder that's left in the empty palace went pale, shocked, when he saw two young men slowly walking towards him.