61 Day 60: The Scum Is A Critic (1/2)
Because of too much shock, for the second time, Peng Yin also forgotten the traitor Ke Cin. He didn't notice Ke Cin already crept behind him and raised his sword.
”Peng Yin! Watch out - !” It was Ou Mo, the protagonist, who shouted at him.
But, Peng Yin's still in a state of shock because Lu Sheng died. Ke Cin took advantage of it and stabbed Peng Yin behind.
”Damn it - !” Ou Mo cursed and shot Ke Cin.
But, Ke Cin ran away.
”Peng Yin!” Ou Mo called and slid on his knees towards him. ”Peng Yin! Peng Yin!” he called as he tore his sleeve and wrapped Peng Yin's chest. ”Peng Yin!” he shouted as he pressed on the wound to prevent the bleeding.
”Mo – er!” a man in white coat ran towards them, his white hair fluttering in the wind. Some soldiers are covering him from the monsters. ”Mo – er!” he called and looked at Peng Yin.
”Lao Bai!” Ou Mo cried, relieved. ”Peng Yin, he...” he said, tears forming on his eyes. ”Commander, too...” he added and lowered his head as he sobbed.
Lao Bai patted his back. ”I know. I saw how that damn rat led the grasshopper (even here? It's mantis - !) towards the commander...” he said, didn't continue. He started to treat Peng Yin's wound.
”Aaaarghh - !” they turned when they heard Ke Cin's cries.
Their eyes went wide, then narrowed, when they saw Ke Cin's headless corpse fell on the ground. And so the traitor died.
Lao Bai tried to save Peng Yin, but he's a cannon fodder and is destined to die. And so he died, following his commander for the second time of this life.
”Player.” The voice called inside his head. ”Player.”
But he didn't answer.
The voice 'sighed'. ”How many times was it?” it asked. ”You've already seen Sheng died – ”
”You ask yourself how many times was it.” he said. ”I may have seen Sheng died before my eyes and leave before me, always.” He muttered. ”But I'm a human, in case you've forgotten that.” He said and looked at the countless words floating inside the room. ”I love Sheng, and it hurts me like hell to the point I want to die, too. But – ” he said and lowered his head. ” – I can die, but I don't die.” He said and gritted his teeth. ”You tell me what I should do, since I could only sulk until I get over with this pain I feel.” He told it, his eyes narrowed.
The voice didn't answer. He lowered his head and sobbed.
It was a long while before the voice spoke, gentle. ”It's painful to watch your love one die before you, and you can't do anything even if you know it'll happen.” It told him. ”However... it's more painful to watch your love one die before you, and you can do something since you know it'll happen. But denies that fact as you look away since you didn't do everything... to save them.” It said.
He raised his head and looked at the countless words floating before him. ”You...” he said, didn't continue.
Could the system be...? It has a back story? He thought, then frowned. As if! The system is a system. It's just but a system.
”Hey – ” he called it after a while
But, before he could continue what he's going to say, the room distorted as if it short – circuited.
”P...l... y...r – ” the voice called. ”...un... exp...ct...d...”
”System?” he called, panicking since the words as falling down one by one. ”What's happening?!” he asked as he looked, horrified, at the lights on the floor, ceiling and walls blinking red. ”System?!” he called when the voice didn't answer. ”Syst – ” he said, then gasped, when the floor turned black.
The air stuck on his throat before he fell.
”Aaaaaaaah!!!!” he screamed, flailing his limbs as he fell. ”Aaaaaaaaa – ugh!” he cried when he caught something and grabbed it hard making his hand hurt.
But, he didn't care since he doesn't want to just continue falling.
”Oww...” he cried as he slowly opened his eyes. He felt his body swaying. ”What ha – ” he said and his eyes that just opened went wide.
His face pale as he stared at the river 1000 feet beneath him.
”Fuck me – ” he muttered and dark lines covered his face.
His face went serious when he saw the bright red stain on his side, some bright red liquid dripping until it finally stopped.
Right. He thought. This character must've died due to blood loss. He thought and looked up. He squinted his eyes when the sun's rays hit his eyes. He blinked multiple times until his eyes adjusted to the light.
Sure he is literally hanging for his life. If he just didn't take over this body in time the owner of the body lost his consciousness, this body must be squashed flat in the river below, the blood splattered and mixed with the river –
He almost puked with his own thoughts. He clicked his tongue and looked at the wound on his side. It's already gone since he took over this body. Aside from the character that must be dead so that he could take over their body, the character's body that is left with wounds or any other injuries – like poison, it's 'recovered' by the system and return it to its original (if not best) state.
So now, he could swing this body all he wanted to.
He took a deep breath before he started to move his body. One, two – he thought as he moved his body back, then kicked the rock wall and his body swung back. He repeated four times until he finally got the best momentum.
He kicked next, so hard it left a dent and his body swung high. He let go of the branch and immediately took off the belt of his robe (yes. He's layers of robes right now, he just noticed) and swung it to the tree.
Like when he was still in the Fourscapes team, when the rope was tied to the tree, he immediately pulled his body that's in mid – air towards the top of the cliff. He saw he's a step short and so, instinctively, he turned his body in mid – air and dived. He raised his hands to receive the impact of his fall, then pushed it to give his body a leverage, then he bent his body back. He stood up as soon as his hands left the ground. He raised his head, his eyes wide in shock, because of how swift his movement just now.
All that he did just for a few seconds.
”What the heck...” he muttered, then shook his head, shaking the thought that just entered his head – he's possessed.
But, he's the one who possessed a body just now - ! he thought, then sighed.
”Hm?” he said when a soft breeze blew. He raised his head, only for his eyes to widen when he saw a vast, green land.
A step from where he stood the greenery started up till the foot of the mountain afar. He stared, wide – eyed, at the scenery before him that was just cut out of a fantasy movie.
Ah. He thought. Right. Where he was in is a story, and this story obviously be a fantasy. Even the layers of robes he's wearing... he thought as he untied the belt he used from the tree, then tied it back to his robes and fixed himself.
He took a step, then stopped when he heard a soft clang beneath him. He looked down and saw a sheathed sword. He picked it up, then unsheathed. His deep, dark eyes, thin brows and fluttering eyelashes was reflected on the clean, sharp blade of the sword.
This isn't the first time he saw a sword since he's been in to multiple worlds that has an ancient setting, and so using a sword isn't a problem for him. However, when he swung it, a wave of purple light came out of the blade of the sword and cut clean the tall grasses before him.
Dark lines covered his face as he sheathed the sword with shaking hands and carefully laid it down the ground as if it was a molecular bomb. Damn it! he thought. What was that just now?! he thought, shocked, as he stared at the sword, pale – faced.
”Huh?” he turned when he heard voices. ”A cultivator?” it was a group of people. They're looking at him.
”What a young cultivator!” they exclaimed, awe in their eyes.
'cultivator'? he thought, puzzled. Of what? Land? He looked at the people that's still looking at him, muttering.
He forced a smile as he carefully walked towards them.
”Ai! You forgot your sword!” they said.
He stopped and looked at them.
”Aren't you practicing with it earlier?” they asked and pointed at the poor sword that's lying on the ground where he left it earlier.
Ah? He thought and looked at the sword. A second later after he looked at it, the sword floated. His eyes went wide. Before he could further react, the sword flew towards him.
His face went pale. Is it attacking me - ?! he thought, horrified. He raised his hand and closed his eyes. Before he could answer his question, he felt something hit his hand, though very softly and it fit in his hand. He slowly opened his eyes. Sure enough, it was the sword he thought that's going to attack him.
It... flew. He thought as he stared at the sword, dumbfounded.
”Aia... the youths of today are very outstanding!” the people said and smiled at him, then nodded.
They walked away, leaving him with them not noticing the stupid dumb look on his face as he stared at his own sword.
”What... the hell...?” he muttered, his face dark.
Before he could snap, he tried to contact the system who left him scared witless before he came here because of it suddenly gone short – circuited.
”System.” He called.
As expected, the system didn't answer.
More black lines covered his face and his grip on his sword tightened. ”Fuck this!” he yelled and kicked the ground. ”I've been sent to a cultivation world!” he exclaimed, dumbfounded.
Actually, he knows cultivation worlds since he's also a fan of the genre. But, he just didn't expect he'd be in one.
As to whether he's excited, he is. He long had been wanted to experience meditating (to the point he does this even when he's in his office at his company) up to flying on swords and breaking into high levels of cultivating the soul.
But, he has just one problem. The strength of his soul. Since cultivating is all about souls, care about souls... of course he should worry about his soul's strength and value.
He looked at his sword. Earlier, it created a lustrous light. This means his soul is strong.
Must be me going to different worlds helped. He thought as he lightly threw his sword. Sure enough, it floated. He raised his hand and made a few gestures. Sure enough, the sword moved according to his wishes. He grinned and carefully mounted on the sword.
When he was still on the Fourscapes, he was trained to do skateboarding and bungee jumping, as well as walking in a beam 50 feet high without wearing safety gear.
All those combined, it's like this – riding on the sword.
Happy, he made a gesture and the sword moved. His face broke into a grin and he made another gesture. The sword slowly soared until it reached 50 feet above ground. Fortunately, he has no acrophobia.
With another gesture, the sword started to move in the air, him on it.
Since he didn't know what happened to the system, he knew he had to rely on himself since it seems like he can't make contact to the system.
After flying village to village, he gathered enough information. It seems like he's in the story Good and Evil: The Cultivation World. He can't remember the name of the author, but he remembers the plot. One, because it is good. Two, it sucks.
It may be contradictory, but it is what it is.
The story is actually good, but the scenes just sucks. The characters are also good, and the characters' developments is great. Just that, the story lacks descriptions. This makes him think: is the author dumb, inexperienced, or just lacks imagination? He thought, and the answer he got is none of the three.
The author is not dumb since the plot is stable. The characters' developments are also stable, if not great. The author isn't inexperienced since the story has been flourished after writing multiple stories aside from the current story. The author doesn't lack imagination, either, since the story is fantasy. Sure, it may lack some descriptions making it bland, but the setting is still rich. So, what is the story/author's problem?