44 Time to act like a leader! (1/2)
After going through that whole stressful ordeal I had trouble moving, all the anxiety that was making my muscles tense had suddenly left, rendering me practically immobile. I say practically because well, I was still able to teleport/use the flying thunder god technique.
While I was laying there Sarutobi came in and started chuckling before sitting down where he was before, he then spoke up, ”I'm both surprised and not surprised that an assassin appeared given the amount of people that you are upset with. Heh, first day assassination. Took me 2 weeks for mine. You just live breaking recods don't you boy, it should I say, Lord fourth. Heh.”
I sigh and put my hand over my face, ”Please tell me I don't need to make speeches like that often.”
My reaction apparently prompted Sarutobi to laugh even harder as when I lifted my hand from my face I saw that he was wiping tears from his eyes. I form a finger gun form a small bit of water at the end of it and shoot him with it. It wasn't anything hard, it was like an Airsoft. At least that's what I tried to make it be like.
The Hokage grabbed his arm and started laughing more seeing the small amount of damage it did, so I start firing a barrage at his arm, making him laugh even harder. God damnit it's just pissing me more now. I sit up in the chair and start rubbing my temples. After a few minutes Sarutobi started calming down and removed the robe that I had drenched with the water.
After a couple more moments he started coughing from laughing so hard, so since that upset me enough to get moving again I stood up and got ready to flash over to the group, but before I could Sarutobi grabbed my arm and managed to squeeze out that I need to go to the office tomorrow. I sigh and leave him to laugh while I push his arm off me.
After I flash over to Tsunade I see that they were making their way down a street that was very busy, when I asked her she said she was taking everyone to go about and explore for the rest of the evening. After we finished and played some more games, bought some good food, and fought off people that recognized me I teleported all of us back to my house. Once we got to the living room Darkness started freaking out from teleporting and kept muttering to herself. I went up to her and crouched down by her to make sure she's fine. I mean most people I've teleported have been fine so far, but I guess darkness is a pretty normal person all things considering.
”Hey darkness, you okay? We're back home so you don't need to worry too much... okay?” She looks at me with her eyes filled with tears and she wraps her arms around my neck. I put and arm around her back and grab her underneath her legs so I can carry her in, well the easiest thing I could think of at the moment, the bridal carry (A/N:) and while holding her I move over to the couch so that I don't have to suffer too much.
I smile wryly at everyone else as they all walk away, well almost everyone, Olivier stays behind and sits on the chair to the side of me. She didn't say anything though, and Darkness just kept calming herself down (A/N: This is going to be a bit of me using some writers freedom since she doesn't talk about her past too much and since I don't remember seeing it in the anime. I checked the wiki and there really isn't much mention about anything other than a bit of her family). After a few minutes of silence she squeezed my neck tighter, ”I'm sorry... I, I had a bad experience with teleportation. Please... please don't let go yet. I don't want to be alone.”
I nod and slowly rub her back to help calm her down more. After a few minutes of comforting her while she shivers she stopped completely and I think fell asleep. I didn't stop though since I know how this can help a person feel better. I look over at Olivier and whisper, ”What do you need to say?”
She looks to Darkness and realizes why I'm whispering, so she leans closer to whisper, ”How are you doing so well... I stabbed you earlier, you got stabbed in the hand, almost killed by an assassination, and you are sitting here right now comforting her. How? If this is all an act just to get me to trust you then I will not fall for it.”
I smile and chuckle a bit, but seeing Darkness grimace a bit I realize I was being a bit loud, ”I think I told you before that I don't really care too much about myself right? I mean that's the reason you stabbed me, so I could show you my resolve or something like that right? Well you may not have, I don't know, you could've just been angry for all I know. There was something I said that you may not have caught onto, I'm still alive by willpower. That doesn't mean I have weak willpower though, and it isn't as depressing as it sounds. It means that I won't give up when things get tough, because no matter what I've gone through I've still kept moving.” I sigh as I rub Darkness's back, ”That's why I called myself a hypocrite you know. I say that I'm fine with death, but I refuse to go and die. There are too many people out there that I can help. I live every day with that mindset, and every single time that I help someone without expecting anything back from them I feel genuine happiness. Can you understand what I mean?”
She knits her eyebrows together for a moment, ”So you say you want to die, yet will never give up? What kind of stupid thing is that? It's like if someone went and put themselves in the middle of nowhere, forgot how they got there, and now refuse to stay in the middle of nowhere! God I can't even think of a proper example, that's how stupid that sounds!”
I put my finger to my lips since she started getting loud and waking Darkness up. ”You said that Esdeath felt the pain coming from me, did she feel anything else or mention it?”
Olivier shook her head, ”No. In the discussion about it she simply stated that she felt your pain.”
I smile, ”There's more emotions to a person than pain. I may be a sad sack of shit, but I have more motivation and drive to keep going than most other people. It's why I don't let people feel bad for me, I know I can keep going. I was by no means happy with my life, I had a girlfriend that cheated on me, practically no family, and most of my friends didn't talk to me. I was able to look to the future and hope in bleaker circumstances than now, so right now is a nice change of pace, especially since the future where I can be happy I feel isn't far off.”
Olivier seemed to lower some of her walls as she spoke up, ”I think I see what you are talking about now... I had to do the same when I was in the military. While rising in the ranks there were those that constantly tried to use their positions to act sexually towards me since I was such a beautiful woman. For a long time I regretted it, I didn't like being an object of mens desire, I just wanted to do my part for my country. There's a reason I was nicknamed the ice queen.” She sighs a bit, ”And it's not because I have ice powers like Esdeath. No, it was because every single man that laid a hand on me would lose one of their balls, every man who tried to talk to me about anything that wasn't work I would ignore or chastise him. I was happy finally and managed to get many loyal troops under my command and very rarely would superiors try to act on me since I was so far away. It was because I kept myself strong. So in that way I can see what you mean.” I look at her and raise and eyebrow.
She scoffed, ”If you want to know more, you have to earn it. Consider this repayment for you saving me from that ice spear as I couldn't grab my sword in time. This is also an apology for stabbing you... I shouldn't have since I completely misunderstood what you were saying before. I thought you were trying to have me feel bad for you, when in actuality you were telling me exactly where you get your willpower from.” She turned around and walked out towards her bedroom, probably to go and take all of her stuff off.
I lay my head back on the couch, and suddenly realize when I'm rubbing darkness's back, she doesn't have a single thing underneath the robe! My god this girl! I can't last if she keeps doing things like this, like holy shit what if I was the kind of person to take advantage of girls while they sleep?
Wait, she'd enjoy that... shit, well what if I was the kind of person who... she'd like them all. Jesus christ. I shake Darkness a bit to try and wake her up, after seeing her stir awake I speak to her, ”Hey Darkness, feeling better?” She blinks a few times, turns her body and sits up so that she is sitting on my lap and facing me. ”Hm?”