22 The Hunt/Dragon moves? (1/1)

I decide to take a short nap before I start hunting this dragon down since I don't really want to be exhausted during this, since I feel like this will be quite tiring and possibly long and drawn out.

I unsummon the clones I had made save for the sage batteries. After I woke up from my nap I at a pancake before I stood in front of the dragon and spread out my wide range domain. I then nodded at it and before even seeing it's responses I activated all the sense that I felt could be helpful.

My eyesight was useless, in an instant the strong smell of death had become distant, and I couldn't hear anything. Though I did feel a disturbance in the force... nature energy. So I decided to boost towards it, once I got close the smell quickly became distant again causing me to rethink what to do.

After feeling another slight disturbance I decided to boost again, but only halfway between me and the disturbance. Thankfully it didn't seem to notice me so I start walking towards it at a brisk pace since it's about 20 miles away.

Wait a second, I don't have to deal with that turbulent wind... I wonder. While cloaked I boost myself to the disturbance and notice it didn't move! So that's what the winds were good for, all these were for adapting myself. Interesting...

I don't see the dragon anywhere so I start smelling the air around me when I notice a small whiff of it coming from behind me a couple miles back. I make small boosts pushing towards it and notice it changed directions again. It is pretty smart by moving as slow as it is since I would definitely notice it, but sadly for it I can smell it.

I boost a couple more times before the smell get's even stronger, yet I don't see it. I enhance my eyesight and see in the distance a small amount of sand get kicked up so while still being cloaked I walk slowly in the air like I am hunting my prey. Once I get within a hundred feet of him I burst forward and summon my strength to keep a grip on his tail while using my boosts to get back to the start which by this point was at least 50 miles away.

The dragon kept flailing around to get me to lose my grip but after that rigorous amount of weight I had to deal with this was next to nothing for me to deal with. In a few short moments I ended up back at the line and put the black dragon down onto the line where it was before.

That was surprisingly easy. I walk up to the sage dragon who was sleeping, ”I caught him.” The sage dragon then moves around a bit before looking at me then at the black dragon.

”I don't know how you keep managing to surprise me but you keep doing it. Well congratulations. You finished learning the main parts of the dragon sage style, now you will be able to utilize the jutsu that work with it so long as you have the correct release for it.” The dragon holds up his claw when a smaller dragon brings a scroll over to him. He then sets it in front of me before talking again, ”You are not permitted to bring this out of here, and if you wish to have an example of any of these we are unable to comply as the jutsu that I have only work for dragons, and even those are on there as well.” He sighs a bit before laying back down, ”Just leave it with me when you finish it. I have been more active in this last month than I have been for over a century.”

Well now how am I going to fill up content? Go to the tigers? I think not. That is meant for it's own little arc and it would be too confusing to mix them together! Go and read all these powers and explain every single one? Waaaay too boring. I don't want to do the work that I could have a shadow clone do. Well whatever, guess I'll just mention anything notable that happens until I go to the tigers.

I start unrolling the scroll to at least get a look at it, and before I realize that it is still unrolling after so long it had hit a mile. I summon my army of shadow clones to start reading it and have one continue unrolling the scroll.

You know, it would be a lot worse looking if these weren't my clones. I mean I am having them work for my benefit. Now I know that it is their benefit too since they are me, but they don't continue existing once I dispel them.

I lay down and start watching the clouds for awhile. Or well I wanted to until I remembered that there are no clouds up here with how tall it is. Well whatever, I took the chance to relax. I enjoyed it too until I found a couple interesting Jutsu and a genjutsu.

One Jutsu was the, well for lack of a better term, roar of the fire dragon... yup, you heard me right. Completely wrong anime here!

The other jutsu and the genjutsu are original though I am pretty sure. The jutsu is basically a temporary dragon transformation which allows me to use the dragon only techniques. It seems that it works by using the nature energy to form a physical, or at least seemingly physical, body that acts just like a dragon and the more energy I have the longer I can use it, the stronger it is, and the more realistic it looks. Neat huh?

As for the genjutsu... well this can apparently be used even without sage mode which is dirty as shit I have to admit. It's war of a thousand. It basically attacks the target, or targets, with an illusion of a thousand dragon strong army. Though it is easy to break out of, don't be scared of the initial war, that requires such a high willpower that the paper said other dragons have difficulty against it.

Jesus christ dragons are more terrifying than I ever thought, no wonder they kept out of the war like the dragon sage said while talking to the tiger.