21 Senses of a Dragon! (1/2)

Once I touched down onto the ground I pulled out some of my Bacon and started snacking on it. God I am going to get fat, diabetes, or something from eating so much meat, but it's so good.

'Informing host, host can literally buy anything that is, was mentioned, or was thought of in every single universe and creation. Granted prices will vary, but there are ways of becoming immortal, having a fit body with a pill, having a perfect immune system. Anything is available to host, it is a matter of points.'

Yeah I know it is, and I've gotten bubkis.

'Host started on a world that does not have many missions available to host and host has not discovered enough missions. Mission with highest possibility of earning points is the war mission with many different grades of completion.'

Yeah yeah I know. Hopefully Danmachi will be more mission friendly. Or maybe there is an upgrade that I can get that can increase missions?

'Affirmative. As host upgrades system, system will develop better, more helpful, and more informative functions. One such benefit are more missions, more detailed missions, better rewards being unlocked, waypoints, etc. Host only needs to unlock upgrade then upgrade what he wishes for.'

Man, I need more points to make points, well that's the way the cookie crumbles I guess.

I finish up a few more pieces of bacon and a pancake before I walk up to the dragon. Hm, I should mass make some chinese food. No, wait. Save it for after shokugeki no soma world. Have patience Joe, you will become the ultimate chef.

I talk to the dragon after remembering to be patient, ”Alright, I've taken a small break and am ready for the next demonstration.” The dragon nods then walks in front of the white dragon, they both nod at each other before the sage dragon cloaks himself with the energy(I think) and the white dragon starts making a torrent of wind around him.

After a short moment the white dragon stops and the sage dragon appears beside it with a claw (Paw?) on it's head. The sage dragon then walks up to me and explains what to do, ”Your goal is to touch him without getting noticed at all. If you do then you restart from the beginning position. The hint I will give you is let yourself become one with nature energy, after your last two training sessions this will be a breath of fresh air since you don't have to exert yourself too much physically. Though in the last two you weren't supposed to rely on physical strength and instead rely on your spiritual it is fine.” The dragon then lays down to take a short(?) nap.

I walk up to in front of the white dragon and sit down, after that I summon many clones again and have them start training in wrapping themselves in the nature energy. I look to the dragon and nod, it then nods back at me before starting the strong gusts that I had felt before. I stay seated where I was, as do all my clones, but we all start imagining different methods to erase our presence.

It was after an hour and me trading out two sage mode batteries that a clone finally started making progress. What you actually did was basically make yourself one with the surroundings as fucking cheesy as that sounds, but it worked. Best not stupid way to explain it is basically like a chameleon. I am basically making myself blend in with the background but to a crazier extent. It actually makes the wind go right through me, well right now it makes the wind go through just my hands, that's the point where the clone got to before it shared its knowledge with me.

Now that all the clones, and myself of course, had a direction to follow we all started training. It was a weird way of using the energy too, because instead of coating myself with it, it's more like running it through me, almost like I am a grate. Water is able to pass through me (Well I don't know that yet, but it's to use the grate metaphor) but solid objects won't go through me.

After a couple more hours of training and a couple more batteries I was exhausted, it was night time, and I managed to get most of my body to lose it's presence. I couldn't do more than that though, and I was tired if having so many shadow clones up while I am asleep since it just makes me more tired so I unsummoned all but 1 of them before I passed out by the dragon sage's tail.

Once I woke up I first summoned several clones to work as my sage mode batteries and then started eating my breakfast which was, if you could guess, pancakes, bacon, and sausage. I am so sick of these that after breakfast I am going to give all the bacon to the dragons. I'll give the sausage to the tigers.

I stand back up and stretch my back after I finish eating and go up to the sage dragon, ”Hey, I have a lot of food, cooked meat specifically, that I am sick of eating. I was wondering if you or any other dragon wanted some.” He picks his head up from where he was laying on the ground.

”Oh? Food you say? Well I will try a small bit first if you don't mind.” I nod to him, it is better to test it before you ask for a lot so I grab a few strips and toss them into his open mouth. He closes his mouth and swallows, then starts talking to me, ”How much of this meat do you have because I will definitely take all of it!” Wow he seems enthusiastic.