64 Chapter 59 - May You Repea (1/2)

Fujimura Kasumi and Fujimura Hanae both stand up once they heard their mother's yelling.

”Mother!” they yell back.

They reunite in the dining room, which is inbetween the kitchen and front entrance. Hanae and Kasumi both hug Kokoro, one daughter on the left and another daughter on the right.

Kokoro beams, ”Hohoho! My beautiful daughters, did you miss me?”

”We did, mother,” they said together.

Kokoro pats their heads before placing her bags on the tables, ”Come children, I've brought gifts!”

The daughters waited patiently but also anxiously as they stood by their mother, who was searching through the bags.

”Aha!” their mother cried as she found the first gift.

She handed it to Kasumi, ”Oh, daughter, this dress would look stunning on you!”

The dress was a furisade. It was sky blue with dark blue etchings, it had white, pure birds that flew from each branch that was sewn on the dress.

Kasumi gasped, ”It's... beautiful!”

Kokoro smiled, ”It's supposed to be the color of your future husband's eyes.”

Kasumi smiled sadly, ”Mother, Ryota already has a fiancee.”

Kokoro froze, and dropped her bag. It fell on the floors with a sharp bang. Scaring the maids around them. They scurried away, leaving the family alone.