33 Chapter 33 So many dreams! (2/2)

-”Sweet!I don't have a fourteen yet!You're sure you won't get in trouble for this?It's not like you can just go to the local store for that, you know.”

-”It's fine!How many times do I have to tell you, that they have thousands of these things?They would never miss one!”

-”Well, okay, if you think so, thanks, Olivia!”

He knew her before?Did that mean she wasn't an alien advisor?If she was an advisor, how the hell did he know her?He had to get more memories, this was too good of an opportunity to miss out on.

-”I'm sorry, Dustin.I couldn't make it the other day because my boss wanted to see me.The jerk tried to cop a feel and I slapped him.”

-”Woah, did he fire you?What a scumbag!Wait, who's your boss?”

-”Some general.It's no big deal.I don't think there's going to be any charges or anything.He probably gets slapped often.”

Dustin was less then impressed with this memory.Sure, it had Olivia and him talking, but it didn't have anything substantial.He was going to try again.

-His roommate had just entered the room and stopped moving.He looked up to see the most startled, almost scared, expression on his face, that he had ever seen.

-”Where did you get that?” he finally asked.

-”My boss wants it reverse engineered by Wednesday.Apparently, its pretty important to someone.They said they were going to give me a bonus if I could pull it off.”

-”But where did you get it?” he insisted.

-”My boss gave it to me, just like every other project I work on, what's your problem?”

-His roommate stumbled out of the room, into the kitchen, as if in a daze.Dustin rolled his eyes and turned back to the cube on the table in front of him.

The cube!Dustin remembered that!The prince had been very interested in it.He had to know more!

-Dustin had just returned from the bank.He held the deposit slip in his hand victoriously.He finally had enough money to kick his damn roommate out.He was sick of all his snooping and messing with his stuff!

-He could hear his roommate in the kitchen, slamming things around.He must be having another temper tantrum about something.He never could figure the guy out.

-It wasn't very long before he entered the room, holding a bottle of rubbing alcohol from the medicine cabinet.What the hell?He wasn't hurt?He glared at Dustin, while he opened the bottle.

-As Dustin watched in horror, he downed the entire bottle in one go, then spit some out as he screamed.The inside of his mouth was burned, forming blisters and flaring into a bright red.He flung himself forward, puking all over the place.Shaking his head, he started to gasp, then fell to the side, hitting his head on the table corner.

-There was so much blood!What was he supposed to do?