34 Chapter 34 Tired of distractions (1/2)

The prince had been walking when Dustin came out of his last dream, but as he went to get close again, the prince stopped.He was dying to know why, so he decided to find out.

Digging as gently as he could, he got up underneath a tree.

”PED, initialize an evolution that gives me an antenna that can hear, change my blood to look black, if I bleed, and make sure I can camouflage still.”


As the antenna formed, he started sending it up through the dirt, along the side of the tree.Making sure it looked like the tree behind it, he slowly turned it so that he could hear what was going on.


”I see the subject.”

Panic coursed through him, and he froze.

”How long has it been out?”

Oh, good!He wasn't what the prince was talking about.

”It doesn't look like he's going to make it.Should I hide so that the creature doesn't see me?”

Curiosity gnawed at him.

”PED give me an eye covered in a scale for protection, on my antenna.”


As vision established itself, he swung the eye around slowly, noting that the prince had taken cover behind a thick bush next to the tree his eye was hiding by.Thankfully it was still far enough away to keep the dreams from occurring, or for him to notice the strange eyeball on a stalk.


A man screamed in the distance, quickly followed by a loud chittering roar.It was the weirdest thing he had ever heard, so he kind of wanted to see what made it.Moving the eye around, to under the bush, he saw that there was a man on the ground, holding a large stick in defense of a large spider-like creature.

It had four legs, that ended in pointed tips, and were covered in thick black hairs.On the torso that rose above the legs, there was a set of arms that ended in points, much like the legs, but had no hair, and a set of arms that had sparse hair, but ended in three fingered hands.There was no real neck making the head seem to be a part of the chest.Thick black hair ran from the forehead down the back, blending into the hair on the legs.Its face was taken up by a dozen eyes directly above a mouth that opened the whole lower face into a toothy maw.